Got an urgent message last night at midnight:
Hatzala and MDA EMTs are requested to go to Ben Gurion Airport...ELAL jumbojet approaching...due to land in an hour...issue on board.
Since I'm a bit of a drive from the airport, and there are many EMTs who are much closer, I didn't go.
The following showed up: 4 Mass Casulty MDA vehicles, 9 ICU ambulances, 32 standard MDA ambulances, and over 300 volunteer MDA and Hatzala medics, paramedics and doctors.
Apparently, the wrong tires were installed on the plane in Bangkok, and there was a fear the tires might explode on landing.
The plane landed safely on a foam covered runway...
Hatzala and MDA EMTs are requested to go to Ben Gurion Airport...ELAL jumbojet approaching...due to land in an hour...issue on board.
Since I'm a bit of a drive from the airport, and there are many EMTs who are much closer, I didn't go.
The following showed up: 4 Mass Casulty MDA vehicles, 9 ICU ambulances, 32 standard MDA ambulances, and over 300 volunteer MDA and Hatzala medics, paramedics and doctors.
Apparently, the wrong tires were installed on the plane in Bangkok, and there was a fear the tires might explode on landing.
The plane landed safely on a foam covered runway...

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
and you call yourself Jack Bauer??!! hmph!
JB would have been only 10 minutes away from the airport regardless of his location.
And they say that volunteerism is dying.
Sounds like the EMTs have it, quite well.
Wow...mi k'amcha Yisrael...
Glad I saw this after we returned to Israel and not before ;)
How do you install the wrong tires. This is more than a little upsetting.
what a way to arrive in israel....
"And they say that volunteerism is dying. Sounds like the EMTs have it, quite well."
actually, i remember jameel posting that in the tel aviv area there is a dearth of emt volunteers
Jack - apparently they installed landing gear (not just tires) from a 767-300 on a 767-200. The biggest concern, as I understood from Galei Zahal, was that the breaks might not work! Boeing told them that it wouldn't be a problem, but they decided not to take any chances.
I want to know when and how they figured out it was the wrong landing gear!
Michael: Volunteerism is not dying among the religious and chareidi population, and more and more volunteers are seen daily.
And yes, there aren't enough regular MDA volunteers in certain areas of Gush Dan (Herziliya for example)...personally, we need to have more and more EMTs everywhere.
On Highway-6 the other day, I witnessed a near mega collision (car spun out of control at 70 mph, narrowly missed getting hit by a truck and 3 other cars as it spun in the middle of the highway). I pulled over and examined everyone -- and another EMT stopped right away as well. Had the car been hit, it could easily have been a mass-casualty event...)
Bottom line: The more EMT's...the better.
Wow, I left Israel on Monday night (actually Tuesday at 12:05 am) on the new Sedrot jet to Newark. This must have happaned after that as there was no dealy or problem while I was there.
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