Monday, July 31, 2006
6 Av July 31
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Posted earlier...but
So, check this out. Be warned, there are some very graphic, disturbing images. But, they show the depravity of the enemy we are facing, and it's willingness to make use of civilians. Not only using them as shields, but using the accidental death of children as a propaganda tool.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Not to be missed...
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Thanks to TigerHawk
Tim Blair
Some blog reactions to the Kfar Kana incident:
EU Referendum (warning...VERY GRAPHIC PHOTOS)
Little Green Footballs
Charles Moore in the Daily Telegraph
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
5 Av July 31
Fighting in Taiybeh leaves 6 soldiers wounded and at least 3 terrorists dead. Doubt begins to form over cause of deaths in Kfar Kana, IDF states that bombing raids occured at Midnight-1 AM, explosion causing civilian casualties around 8 am, possible that secondary explosion of stored arms was the cause. Kasam rocket fired over Negev at around 6 AM, no damage reported. IDF once more calls for non-combatants to move North of Litani. Air Force to reign in activities for next 48 hours. Ground based activities on the rise. In action in Kfar Adaisah soldiers from Nachal and Engineering corps as well as Tank corps captured large cache of armaments, intelligence material as well as IDF uniforms.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
A Weekend in Northern Israel
Sorry...just click on over.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The Big Question
Liberals, Progressives, Lefties. Yeah, you. The folks who believe in the primacy of human rights, the right to a free press, the right to sexual freedom, reproductive rights, environmental rights, etc. etc. You know who I’m talking about. These are all the things you stand for. Oh yeah, minority rights, freedom of religion (or freedom from religion), am I missing anything? I’m sure you all can come up with a few more.
One would, if using straight logic, think that given a fight between two groups, one who embraces all of these things whole heartedly and one who found every last item on that list an anathema the logical choice would be to side with those one agreed with. Correct me if my thinking is off here.
Yet, it always seems, those enlightened elites, those bastions of liberal right thinking, all seem to support the most backwards primitive crowd in its genocidal war against a left wing liberal democracy. Of course I’m talking about the Arab-Israeli conflict, more specifically the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
On one side you have Israel. Where everything goes, the press is free and so is the love. Women have full rights; heck there’s even been a woman Prime Minister. Homosexuals don’t get stoned in the streets. Young girls aren’t beaten to death because they thought they might go have coffee with the boy down the street. You certainly aren’t strung up if you sell land to a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Buddhist or even a Jew.
On the otherside…well, you have Homosexuals stoned in the streets, young girls killed by their own brothers and fathers for falling in love with the wrong fellow, the death penalty for selling land to a Jew. No respect for the environment goes without saying. Corruption, torture, extortion. These are a way of life. Chance after chance, yields nothing but more.
It can’t be Israel’s human rights record. There isn’t an Arab country in the world with a better record then Israel. The only difference being, if you report something in Israel it makes the front page and people lose their job and go to jail. In the Arab world, you report something and you lose your job and go to jail.
And who do you support?
There’s a saying: Just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean people aren’t after me. Should we see anti-Semitism under every rock? No, but you certainly make it hard not to.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
New commenting policy
You may consider this censorship, and you'd be wrong. Censorship is when the government stops you from saying things. This is a private blog, we aren't your soapbox for spewing nonsense. Start your own blog if you feel the need to be heard.
If you have reasoned arguments, feel free to voice them without the invective which shows that you aren't interested in a discussion.
Thank you for your support.
If you have a problem...feel free to email me at litvshe-at-yahoo-dot-com.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Upcoming Post from Jameel
Shavua Tov - A good week to you all. I hope to post this evening (Sunday) about my
experiences this past Friday and Shabbat in Northern Israel.
I'm fine...but it was an experience that needs to be blogged and shared.
PS: To all the commenters who insist on name calling Jews and Israelis, your comments WILL be deleted, so don't bother anymore.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
4 Av - July 30th
5:35 PM Where's the outrage! 3 Katyushas fell in Kfar Kana yesterday. Oh...yeah...that Kefar Kana is in Israel, near Nazareth.
5:30 PM 4 Kasam rockets fall on Mivtachim, no injuries, damage to storage area. More then 100 rockets fall in North so far today.
5:23 PM IDF states they have proof areas hit in Kfar Kana were being used by Hizbullah terrorists. Rumors surface that main explosions were from Katyusha stored in buildings.
5:22 PM Counter the propaganda - Australian Herald Sun publishes pictures smuggled out of Lebanon of Hizbullah emplacements in civilian population centers.
4:18 PM Magen David Adom reports 57 treated to day for injuries related to rocket attacks.
3:32 PM The terrorist cell responsible for the murder of of Dr. Yakobi from Yakir has been captured.
2:52 PM One seriously wounded when Katyusha hits house in Kiryat Shmoneh. Update: The wounded individual is a writer for the HaAretz newspaper.
2:32 PM Katyusha in Chatzor, one lightly wounded.
1:45 PM 3 wounded in rocket attack in Kiryat Shmoneh.
1:13 PM One moderately wounded when Kasam falls in factory in Sderot.
12:50 PM Interior Security Minister Yuval Diskin confident Gilad Shalit is alive and well in Gaza
11:43 AM 85 rockets so far today.
11:17 AM Rockets reported to have fallen in Ma'alot
11:15 AM Terrorist caught in Shchem area with explosive belt, warning level lowered.
11:07 AM 47 Rockets have fallen so far in the North, 10 lightly wounded. Air Force attack in Kfar Kana in Lebanon leaves upto 65 dead. Army spokesman state that area was used as launch site for rockets and ample warning was given for civilians to leave the area, therefore the blame rests upon Hizbullah for using them as human sheilds and the Lebanese Government for not preventing it.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
News from the Front
This may be wishful thinking...
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Shavua Tov - 5 Av August 29th
9:07 PM News round up: More then 90 rockets fall over Shabbos in the North. Dan Chalutz, Army Cheif briefly hostpitalized. More then 60 targets struck in Lebanon. 26 terrorists killed in Bint Jabaeil during fighting Friday night, Israel pulls out of town. Rocket fired on Afula not Zilzal, rather Chiiver-1? (or maybe Fajr-5). In foriegn news, attack on Seattle Jewish Center leaves 1 dead, 6 wounded.
9:05 PM Shavua Tov
Gratuitious Trackback link
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Friday, July 28, 2006
Smelling the coffee
Most telling is the overwhelmingly numbers that believe that the disengagement from Lebanon and Gaza led to the recent Hezzbolah attack. 64 % agree and 31% disagree that disengagement led to the attack.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
4 Av - July 28th Day 16
5:20 PM 2 rockets hit hospital in Nahariya, massive damage. New type of rockets seen, fall near Afula.
5:06 PM Several Kasam rockets fell earlier in the day around S'derot. Actions in Saj'ayah seems to have finished. More the 25 armed terrorists killed, multiple armament storage and production sites hit.
4:47 PM Sorry for the lack of posting, been a busy day. 60+ rockets have fallen so far today, Tzfat, Chatzor, Carmiel, Kiryat Shmoneh, Yesod HaMaaleh, Nahariya, Shlomi, Upper Nazereth, Acco. Multiple wounded, doesn't seem to be any serious. Jameel reports from Tzfat of a Katyusha hit next to the Magen David Adom station in the city. Broken windows, fire in the area, ambulances covered in dirt thrown up by the blast.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Quick Update from Jameel
Just wanted to wish a very quick "hi" to you all, and publically thank Litvshe and General Arafat for the amazing work they've been doing on keeping the blog going.
Litvshe wrote: "Over the weekend he will be going up North to volunteer his mad paramedic skillz to those in need. His whereabouts are a closely guarded military secret. The bidding will begin at $50."
Well...I think he meant MDA (Magen David Adom) EMT and ambulance driving skills -- I'm not a paramedic...or even a mad paramedic...
Milluim was exhausting, but I took some pictures I hope to post next week. I'll bring up my camera as well for the weekend -- maybe I'll have what to take pictures of on Friday. Hopefully it will be a boring weekend, but the way things look now, I'm not so sure.
Gotta run now.
Bye Everyone - catch you Sunday afternoon, B'ezrat Hashem.
Shabbat Shalom,
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
3 Av - July 27th Evening
9:15 PM Round up of last 3 hours: Multiple rocket attacks in North. Kiryat Shmoneh 10, Haifa 2, more in Wester Galilee. Serveral people lightly wounded. Two border policemen wounded, one seriously when Palestinian terrorist opens fire on them in Jabal Mukhaber neighborhood of Jerusalem, terrorist killed. 3 divisions of reservists to be called up to help with the fighting in the North.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Jameel update
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
2 Av - July 27 The next day
5:50 PM Total of 84 rockets
5:40 PM 16 people treated for shock in Carmiel.
5:37 PM Ismail Haniya, the Palestinian PM has called for a cease fire. They will stop Kasam attacks and hand over Gilad Shalit, if Israel stops all actions in Gaza and frees Hamas captives including cabinet ministers.
5:15 PM More rockets over Tiverya, total of 75 rockets so far today.
5:02 Israel warns Palestinians by phone to get out before houses are attacked...with direct phone calls and SMS, PA trying to stop this.
4:36 PM Total of 16 Katyushas in Western Galilee
4:30 PM 4 lighty wounded in Majdel Karom and Carmiel
4:29 PM Cabinet has decided to call up more reserve units.
4:26 PM Sorry for the lack of posting, busy day. One wounded in rocket barrage in Western Galilee. Rockets fall in Carmiel. Katyushas in Naharia, 3 buildings destroyed. Property damage in Kiryat Shmoneh.
2:49 PM 2 Katyushas hit Nahariya, 1 in Rosh HaNikra. RPG shot at troops in Gaza.
1:53 PM More fighting reported in the Saj'iyah section of Gaza. At least to groups of terrorists killed, one carrying anti-tank weapons.
1:50 PM Sirens in the North. Haifa, Kiryot, Acco.
1:09 PM Palestinian sources reporting 15 wounded in Gaza City from Israeli fire.
1:05 PM Massive bombing runs in Southern Lebanon by IAF
1:00 2 Katyushas fall near Ma'alot, no injuries reported
12:19 PM Last night Hizbullah representative in the Lebanese Parliment spoke on their TV statation (Al-Manur) asking for a cease fire in Southern Lebanon. -+Litvshe comments+- In other words, their running out of ammo and need time to rearm.
11:56 AM Army still advancing in mission to take over Bint Jabaeil.
11:53 AM 24 Katyushas have fallen so far in the Galil. 1 wounded lightly.
11:27 AM Pictures of families from the North being hosted by the Jewish community in Chevron.

11:24 AM 3 more soldiers wounded in Bint Jabaeil
11:01 AM Katyushas fallen around Har Chatzor, Tzfat. Sirens in Haifa.
11:00 AM I've spoken with Jameel and he will not be around until next week. He apologizes.
9:52 AM Australia pulling all it's UN related forces out of Southern Lebanon, stating International Peacekeeping Force - Suicide Mission.
9:25 AM Overnight update II: Israeli actions in Lebanon and Gaza. 3 trucks carrying armaments on the Damascus-Beirut highway attacked. 40 buildings and command centers used as cover for Hizbullah terrorists as well as armament storage struck by air raids. 3 rocket launchers taken out. Additional roads and bridges used to transport rockets and ammunition also struck. 23 Palestinians killed in fighting in Gaza.
9:15 AM Overnight update: 9 Israeli soldiers killed in fighting yesterday. 8 in Bint Jabaeil, Corporal Ohad Kleisner, 20, of Bet Horon, Lt. Alex Shwartzman, 24, of Acre (Akko), Corporal Shimon Edga, 21, of Kiryat Gat, Sgt. Shimon Dahan, 20, of Ashdod, Corporal Asaf Namar, 27, of Kiryat Yam, Major Royie Klein, 31, of the Samarian community of Eli, Lt. Amichai Merchavia, 24, of Eli and Sgt. Edan Cohen, 21, of Jaffa. Lt. Yiftah Shrier, 21, of Haifa was killed in a seperate fight in Maroun A Ra'as. May there memories be a blessing and may Hashem exact his revenge on the spilling of their blood.
Katusha rockets have fallen in Tzfat, Ma'alot and Shlomi in the last hour, as well as Kasamim in Sderot and the Western Negev. No reports of injuries.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Breaking news 10:45 PM July 26
10:45 PM
Reports of a new terror threat in the Shomron. Rapid Response teams have been mobilized in many settlements. Jameel will not be getting any sleep tonight. Bone-Crusher is riding shotgun, keeping the Muqata safe.
God speed, Jameel.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
July 26 - Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av
Note: I've removed reports about soldiers being killed. The reports are unconfirmed and due to requests from the IDF the sites where I've gotten my information have removed some of the posts. I will only post confirmed stories on the matter.
6:36 PM I will be take a break for a couple hours, the Shav Shmaitsa awaits.
6:35 PM Another ground battle has started in Southern Lebanon
5:55 PM Official report from IDF: Wounded - 3 serious, 4 moderate, 15 lightly.
5:34 PM 3 Kasamim North Western Negev region.
5:27 PM 2 more Katyushas fall on Kiryat Shmonah.
5:25 PM Heavy damage to electrical grid in North.
5:08 PM 55 people treated by Magen David Adom due to rocket attacks.
5:00 PM Jameel's training exercises have been cancelled because of terror warnings, no more training, their in action because of terror warnigns in the area.
4:58 PM Arutz 10 reporting 28 wounded. 22 arrived at Rambam in Haifa, 2 in serious condition.
4:55 PM All wounded have been evacuated from Bint Jabaeil.
4:48 PM Foreign news sources are (Reuters, AP) are quoting Al-Jazeera and other Arab news services are reporting 9-12 soldiers killed. Hizbullah fighting from inside a Mosque.
4:17 PM Breaking news from Jameel. Extremely high terror alerts in Sharon region. Roads closed across the area. Be careful out there.
4:15 PM 98 Katyushas fired today into N. Israel. 18 wounded, 1 seriously.
4:08 PM 17 treated for smoke inhalation in K. Shmoneh
3:53 PM Rockets in Kiryat Shmoneh, no injuries.
3:24 PM 2 more terrorists killed in Gaza
3:15 PM More then 70 rockets shot into North today.
2:44 PM 3 more kasam rockets shot over Netiv HaAsarah. The news out of Bint Jabaeil sounds bad.
2:20 PM At least 30 confirmed wounded in battle for Bint Jabaeil. 17 brought into Rambam hostpital in Haifa. UPDATE: Channel 10 news reporting of 17 brought in, 3 with medium wounds, currently in operating rooms. 14 wounded lightly.
1:41 PM House hit by katyusha in Chatzor HaGlilit.
1:33 PM Katyusha falls in area of Yesod HaMa'aleh. Possible wounded, Magen David Adom checking the area.
1:27 PM Rocket attack on Kiryat Shmoneh, number of wounded unknown.
1:26 PM Mubarek of Egypt: We won't start up with Israel for Lebanon's sake.
1:25 PM 200 Hizbullah terrorists holed up in Bint Jabaeil.
12:58 PM In action on the Southern front: Land forces in Gaza in Sajiyah have killed upwards of 15 terrorists and wounded an additional 40. Both Armored and Infantry groups are taking part.
12:36 PM IDF estimates 50 Hizbullah terrorists killed in fighting in Bint Jabaeil
12:06 PM One lightly wounded from rocket attack in Tzfat that scored a direct hit on house.
11:52 AM UNCONFIRMED (but from seperate sources) 8-10 soldiers critically wounded.
11:50 Kasam falls in area of Netiv HaAserah
11:45 AM Jameel has been sighted running around in the sun with flak jacked with ceramic inserts. And shooting. He sends regards.
11:39 AM UNCONFIRMED! Heavy fighting around Bit Jbaeil - 25 wounded unable to be evacuated. Possible deaths. Will update when more information is known.
11:38 AM Rockets in Amukah and Gush Chalav. 3 lightly wounded.
10:59 AM 16 wounded in the Kiryot
10:29 AM Katyushas also fall in Carmiel
10:25 AM Rocket hits car in Haifa, at least one injured seriously.
10:22 AM More rockets fired at Ashkelon no injuries or damage reported.
10:20 AM Heavy fighting around Bint Jbeil, at least 10 wounded
10:15 AM Explosions heard around Kiryat Bialik near Haifa.
10:04 AM It's becoming clear that Hizbullah was not expecting such a strong reaction from Israel.
A senior Hezbollah official said Tuesday the guerrilla group did not expect
Israel to react so strongly to its capture of two Israeli soldiers.
Mahmoud Komati, deputy chief of Hezbollah's political arm, also told The Associated Press in an interview that his group will not lay down arms.
"The truth is — let me say this clearly — we didn't even expect (this) response.... that (Israel) would exploit this operation for this big war against us," said Komati.
He said Hezbollah had expected "the usual, limited response" from Israel to the July 12 cross-border raid, in which three Israelis were killed.
09:58 AM Army Radio is reporting that Nasrallah is hiding out in a bunker under the Iranian Embassy. UPDATE: Iranian Foriegn Ministry has denied this.
09:45 AM Some great pictures from the front lines.
09:34 AM Hizbullah counterfitting operation destroyed. Best of the Web reports what looks like uncut sheets of counterfiet $100 bills in the ruins of Sidon financial district.
09:11 AM Confirmation of soldier killed in action in S. Lebanon. 6 injured in katuysha attack on Tzfat.
09:00 AM Kol Yisrael reports 16 Palestinians wounded in fighting in Gaza. Palestinian sources claiming 30 wounded, 7 killed. UPDATE: Confirmed 9 terrorists killed.
08:24 AM Nasrallah threating to attack Central Israel.
08:22 AM 3 Kasams fired over the Negeg
08:21 AM Reports that Monday's helicopter crash was result of friendly fire mishap
07:58 AM Unconfirmed report of one soldier killed and five wounded in fight with Hizbullah.
06:25 AM - Ma'ariv reports Katyushot over Teveriya. No injuries.
04:00 AM - Building of Palestinian Security Aparatus bombed in Gaza
01:34 AM - Shots fired at army emplacement near Beit El
01:02 AM - Air Force has hit two groups of Terrorists operating in Northern Gaza
01:00 AM - U.N. claims IDF bomb killed 4 UNFIL soldiers
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Milluim. Off to the IDF Reserves
I'd like to thank my 2 friends who volunteered to help with keeping the news reports going till I get back.
I hope to blog a bit Wednesday evening when I get home, and then on Thursday evening as well. Friday...well, I'll know for sure tomorrow where I'll be on Friday, and I'll post it )and bring my camera).
Let's hope the coming days are quieter for Israel, we get our soldiers back quickly and in good shape, and that our enemies quake in fear from us -- so they won't think of ever trying anything like this again.
Ongoing situation - July 25
Standing in for Jameel
Wherever I am, my blog should be discussing minutae of Talmudic logic, rather then paying attention to the news.
News. From Israel. Tuesday, July 25
On Israel TV, Channel 2 News, Reporter Roni Daniel reported this evening: Over 200 Hizbolla terrorists killed so far, many wounded and in custody of IDF.
Rumors in Lebanon show Hizbolla ordering their terrorists not to fight direct confrontations with the IDF, in light of their massive losses.
And as I reported below...they were not expecting such a forceful retaliation by Israel in response to the kidnapping. (Which also goes to show you that till now, Israel had been doing this ALL WRONG)
11:00 PM Another video...youve got to stand for something.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Monday in Israel. July 24rth.
I took this picture on Friday morning in Petach Tikva. It says in the middle:
Government of Israel and Security Forces:
Chazak veEmatz (Be Strong and Be Brave)
On the right hand side it says,
"Am Yisrael Chai" -- The Jewish People [continue to] Live.
On the left hand side, "We Will Win"
Sorry updates were a bit sparse this evening - blogger was having a bad night as took an hour just to upload this picture (perhaps Hizbolla has hijacked Blogger?).
The IDF is now investigating the possibility that friendly fire may have taken down the IDF helicopter. Five of the wounded IDF soldiers were from an IAF drone's friendly fire as well.
We need a better day tomorrow.
Good night from Israel.
11:10 PM Some Personal News and thoughts...
A senior level officer, who was interviewed on YNET yesterday, "Magad" Oded Bisyok, was injured today while fighting in South Lebanon, losing his hand. I read the article yesterday, where he said "Nothing will stop us from continuing", and he praised his soldiers, "After the kidnapping, my soldiers immediately ran in after their friends [in their tank, into South Lebanon]...they are heroes."
On my way home this evening, I stopped at a hardware store, where I found a soldier firmly talking on the phone to his wife/girlfriend, "Listen, I'm buying batteries for my flashlight now, I have to be up north in Lebanon in a few hours..." It was very surrealistic.
On Wednesday and Thursday I won't be blogging at all during Israel daylight time, as I have IDF reserve duty. I'm trying to find a replacement to keep things going on the blog.
All around Israel, there are posters and billboards with patriotic messages. I asked my friend Steg to take a picture of one, and here it is...

"Chazak ve'Ematz" -- Be Strong, and Be Brave -- a message to the Israeli people on a bus shelter.
More updates soon.
10:48 PM Blogger is now working better, and Im home, and back from shiur. Updates and pictures coming very soon.
10:45 PM Katyusha lands in Central Galilee, Katyusha lnads in Kibbutz Dovev.
10:34 PM Breaking News: Released for Publication by IDF Censor...
1. IDF officer and Soldier killed in battle this morning in Bint Jebail, South Lebanon and 16 wounded (2 serious, 5 moderate, 9 light). Mostly by friendly-fire.
2. The 2 pilots in the Apache Helicoper that crashed near Tzefat today, died.
5:54 PM Blogger Technical Issues causing infrequent updates.
1. Two seriously Wounded Near Maalot from Katyusha strikes
2. Air Raid Sirens sounding in Meiron, Tzefat, and Chatzor.
5:29 PM Pictures from Pro-Israel rally yesterday in San Francisco. (Hat-tip: Jeff D.)

What's a rally in SF without an anti-Israel rally? (someone should tell these people they have the flag upside-down)

5:38 PM 17 wounded in past hour's rocket attacks up North. 11 are shell-shocked, 2 serious, the rest moderate-light.
4:38 PM Direct hit on home in Nahariya. No reports of wounded. Rockets now falling in Maalot as well.
4:19 PM Rockets land in Nahariya. MDA responding. Air Raid siren in Teverya...
4:13 PM Over 30 rockets land in Kiryat Shmona, Rockets land in Carmiel. No wounded reported in Kiryat Bialik (Haifa area) which was hit by rockets a few minutes ago.
3:55 PM Air Raid Sirens in Carmiel.
3:54 PM Air Raid Sirens throughout the Haifa area. All Northern residents MUST be in bomb shelters, including the Golan Heights.
3:43 PM At least ten rockets fell in Naharia at 3:00 PM. No reported injuries.
3:39 PM MDA reports one lightly wounded in the village of Shlomi (by rocket shrapnel). Additional rocket strikes in Akko.
3:34 PM At least 12 IDF soldiers wounded in South Lebanon fighting since this morning. One soldier notified his parents via a cellphone SMS message that he was wounded. (YNET in hebrew)

Evacuation of wounded soliders -- YNET.
3:30 PM All Northern Residents, including the Golan Heights ordered into secure bomb shelters.
3:14 PM Rockets land in Haifa and surrounding areas. No reports of injuries
2:50 PM Katyusha rockets land in Nahariya and other Northern cities.
2:41 PM Pictures of IDF Soldiers putting on Tefillin before going into South Lebanon through Avivim. (courtesy of Chabad)

2:40 PM Historic Day for the Muqata Blog.
I'm now linked on the BBC arabic website (they grouped me with all the Lebanese bloggers). I guess they didn't read much of the content....

2:30 PM Electrical blackouts in Tzfat and surrounding areas -- result of Helicopter crash.
2:15 PM Reports of Katyusha Rockets landing in area of downed Helicopter.
2:05 PM Reports that two soldiers were seriously wounded in the Apache Helicopter crash near Tzefat. (UPDATED)
1:56 PM Helicopter crash result likely result of hitting high tension power line/technical issue...Not anti aircraft fire or Katyusha rocket.
1:42 PM IDF declares Metulla, "Closed Military Zone" and orders residents to leave in light of intelligence information.
1:38 PM Qassam Rocket lands near strategic location in Ashkelon. No reported injuries.
1:21 PM Reports of crashed IAF helicopter near Tzfat, 2 wounded, (one of them seriously) MDA, IAF Rescue forces at the scene. Unconfirmed reports of overturned IDF tank in South Lebanon near Bint Jbeil.
1:12 PM Unconfirmed Report of IAF helicopter crash in Northern Israel (South Lebanon?)
(courtesy of Reuveini-Pridan IPG advertisers).
12:33 PM Unprecedented: Channel 2 Israel TV reports that IDF is ordering recommending residents to leave the Israeli village of Metula. (confirmed on YNET. Community workers going from house to house to update residents)
12:06 PM Dan Halutz, IDF Chief of Staff says that IDF has photographic proof of Hizbolla rockets that can hit Tel Aviv and central Israel.
12:00 PM Rafi G. in JBlogger "face off with a Lebanese blogger, Mustafa.
10:56 AM Air Raid Sirens a few minutes ago in Kiryat rockets reported landing.
10:52 AM After 12 days of fighting, Israel has 37 casualties. 19 soldiers, 18 civilians.
10:30 AM Heavy fighting in Bint Jibeil
Nine soldiers were injured in heavy exchanges of fire that took place Monday morning between IDF ground forces and Hizbullah operatives in the area between the village of Maroun al-Ras and the town of Bint Jebeil in southern Lebanon. (YNET)
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Boker Tov Israel - Sunday July 23
1. (Finally) The Israeli government announces that Haifa and the Northern communities are in a "matzav cheirum" (emergency war situation). This allows for much needed financial benefits for workers and companies.
2. Ariel Sharon's medical condition takes a turn for the worse, as reported by the Tel HaShomer medical center this evening. His kidneys are not functioning as well as they should, and their is fluid building up in his body. Family members dismissed the pessimistic reports from the hospital and said there is no change that they are aware of.
3. Olmert Informs the French Foreign Minister: There are over 1 millions Israelis in bomb shelters now.
4. Over 5000 Duman of forest near Kiryat Shmona were burned and destroyed as a result of Katyusha induced fires.
That's it -- Im off to bed.
6:20 PM Air Raid Sirens in Haifa, Krayot and Western Gailil.
Muqata going off line for a few hours now. Be back soon.
6:07 PM Shin Ben Director Yuval Diskin: Expect that Gaza will become just like Lebanon. In today's cabinet meeting, Diskin said that if Israel doesn't significantly change the facts on the ground in Gaza (entirely shutting off Gaza from Egypt, preventing the Hamas from improving their abilities and finding an alternative Palestinian leadership), the Israel will find itself facing a Hamas infrastructure similar to Hizbolla. (Ynet in Hebrew)
6:02 PM Four more rockets land in Sderot -- no injuries, no damage. 10 Qassam rockets have been fired at Southern Israel today from Gaza.
Over 2000 insurance claims have been filed by Northern Israel residents with the government to repair property damage from Katyusha rockets. The majority of the claims are from Tzefat and Haifa. (IDF radio)
4:52 PM Picture from Jerusalem.
I took this picture with my cellphone camera on my way home this past Thursday. It's a huge home-made banner at the exit of Jerusalem that says as follows (translated from the Hebrew)
Thank you for protecting us!
May you come home safely.

4:35 PM IDF radio reports that reservists with background in Military Civil Administration are being drafted in small numbers. This indicates the possibility of the IDF planning to administer South Lebanon for a limited time using a Military Civil Administration.
4:20 PM Qassam rockets land outside of Sderot; no injuries, no damage
4:05 PM IDF radio reports that over 100 rockets fired in the past 2 hours at the North.
3:30 PM One person wounded seriously from rocket strike in Akko. (IDF radio)
3:19 PM Reports of rockets also landing in Carmiel and Akko. Three lightly wounded in Kiryat Shmona.
3:16 PM Reports of direct Katyusha hits on homes in Kiryat Shmona and Akko. Rockets reported landing in Tzefat as well. MDA responding.
3:08 PM Air Raid Sirens continuing in Tzverya, Carmiel, Akko, Afula, Achihud, Chatzor, Machanayim, and Natzrat.
3:05 PM Air Raid sirens in the North. Rockets land in the area of Haifa and the Krayot. MDA responding.
2:49 PM IDF locates and destroys a Hizbolla rocket launcher next to a Mosque in South Lebanon. Finds cache of arms inside. In a Mosque? Next you'll tell me they use ambulances to transport weapons as well...(pictures here don't bother with the movie...nothing interesting)
TEHERAN - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Sunday for Israel to “pack up” and move somewhere outside the Middle East, the state news agency IRNA reported.
“I advise them to pack up and move out of the region before being caught in the fire they have started in Lebanon,” said Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly called for the Jewish state to be relocated elsewhere on the planet. Hattip: Khaleej Times
2:22 PM Neighbor's son who completed 3 years of IDF service and was discharged last Monday, received emergency call up orders on Friday. He's painting his face green and going up to Lebanon today...We wish him a safe and successful mission!
2:21 PM No reports of injuries in previous rocket attacks
1:17 PM Air Raid Sirens in Tzefat, Hatzor Gelilit, and Rosh Pina
1:01 PM Announcement from, is launching a new "Pray for Israel" campaign to get people praying and learning for the ill and injured, by getting people onto it's mailing lists ("Lifeline" for learning links, and "Cholim" for prayers).
Click here for more details:

12:57 PM One katyusha rocket landed earlier on a house in Haifa. The residents were in their bomb shelter and emerged unscathed.
12:23 PM Israel Solidarity Rally in San Francisco
On 7/19/06, Deborah Schultz <> wrote:
Dear Friends -
-- Worried about the situation in Israel?
-- Concerned that you don't have all the facts?
-- Wondering what you can possibly do from here?
The answer is SIMPLE. THIS SUNDAY is your opportunity. Take a few hoursout of your day andJOIN the entire BAY AREA COMMUNITY as we STAND AGAINST TERRORISM and STANDWITH ISRAEL.The time is NOW and your attendance at the event really can sway publicopinion. Please SPREAD THE WORD to all your lists, sites andorganizations!
For Details click here
12:16 PM Pictures of cows who were hurt in Katyusha rocket attacks in the Galil last week. Viewer Discretion is seriously advised. More Pictures here.

12:14 PM Air Raid sirens in Haifa and Akko...No confirmed rocket hits.
12:10 PM FALSE ALARM -- Air Raid Sirens which were head in Binyamina and Zichron Yaakov a few minutes ago were false alarms.
12:05 PM One of the killed was from a direct Katyusha hit on a car in Haifa driving to Nesher. 12 wounded, 1 serious, 1 moderate.
11:17 AM MDA reports that there are 2 dead and 3 in serious condition from the rocket attacks on Haifa and the surrounding areas a few minutes ago.
11:11 AM Reports of 1 dead and several wounded in this morning's rocket attack on Haifa.
10:57 AM Air Raid Sirens head in Haifa and Northern Israel. 12 rocket strikes in Haifa area. Details pending...
Following a day of uncertainty, the army located the body of a fallen soldier from the Egoz unit who was killed during battles against Hizbullah Thursday in the southern Lebanese village of Marun a-Ras. His name has not yet been released for publication, as he is a ‘lone soldier’ who immigrated to Israel without his family and joined the army on his own initiative. Thus, the number of IDF casualties in the battle has risen to five. Six more soldiers were wounded in the fighting.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Quick Saturday Night Roundup
Unfortunately, Northern Israel had a hell of a shabbat, with over 150 Katuysha rockets landing all over the place. Nahariya got 25 rockets, Kiryat Shmona got 28 rockets...and in total there were 3 wounded seriously and about 30 wounded all together.
In Maalot today, a Magen David Adom ambulance crew delievered a baby, and then, under rocket fire, transported the mother and newborn to the hospital in Nahayira.
Tonight in Tel-Aviv, thousands of Israeli Leftists demonstrated against Israel's response in South Lebanon. Wearing communist Soviet Sickle and Hammer shirts, the demonstrators urged IDF soldiers not to take part in the Lebanon operation, chanting: "Listen up, soldier – it's your duty to refuse." Other slogans recited by the participants were: "The occupation is a disaster, leave Lebanon now," "Olmert and Bush have struck a deal – to carry on with the occupation," and "Children in Beirut and Haifa want to go on living."

And here are some pictures from Friday of IDF soldiers operating in South Lebanon. Courtesy of

Friday, July 21, 2006
Friday's News from Israel (July 21)
3:26 PM Update from Katyusha attacks: Direct hit on Amirim School in Kiryat Yam (Haifa area). Total number of wounded in Haifa area climbs to 19.
3:25 PM Worrying News. General Udi Adam: We still don't know if a soldier is missing in action from yesterday's battle [near Avivim]
3:23 PM IDF calls up 5000 additional reservists via "Tzav 8" emergency call up orders. 15 wounded in Haifa in 4 rocekt strikes. The 2 seriously wounded are now classified as moderately wounded.
1:55 PMKatyusha Rockets strike all over Israel's Northern Region. Located rocket strikes in Haifa, Krayot, Rosh Pina, Akko, Tiverya, Nahariya and Kiryat Shmona. Direct hit on building in Haifa with 6 wounded; two in serious condition.
12:00 PM Taking a break for a to take pictures around Central Israel. Israel is at it's patriotic best.
11:46 AM Remember the chase for the suicide bomber on Wedneday around Kfar Sava and Hod HaSharon (near the mall) which I blogged about? Here's a picture of the would be bomber. Great work by Israel's police, Shabak and IDF for catching this guy before self-exploding, and possibly causing a catastrophic attack.

11:45 AM Reports of many hundreds of IDF soldiers operating in South Lebanon. Hizbolla rocket, aimed at Israel, misses..and hits a UN outpost in South Lebanon.
11:19 AM Gaza evacuees leave tent encampment (from YNET)
After 11 months of living in a tent encampment in Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, residents of the evacuated Gaza Strip settlement of Elei Sinai on Thursday evening began disassembling their tents and held a farewell ceremony before moving to yet another temporary housing in Ashkelon.
According to the original plan, Elei Sinai evacuees were meant to settle in Kibbutz Palmahim, but after several months of struggle they were no accepted by the majority in Palmahim, and the Disengagement Authority is now looking into other options for them.
11:03 AM Channel 10- TV reports that hundreds of IDF soldiers are now operating in South Lebanon. Names of 3 IDF soldiers killed last night near Avivim cleared for publication: Major Benjamin Hillman, 27, of Raanana; Staff Sergeant Rafan-el Muskal, 21, of Mazkeret Batya; and Staff Sergeant Nadav Balua, 21, of Carmiel.
10:41 AM As I reported last night before going to sleep, 2 IAF Apache helicopters collided in mid-air, and crashed down near Ramot Naftali near Kiryat Shmona (hat-tip to KP who first alerted me to it as I was about to sign off...)
Just released for publication -- the officer killed in the collision (not 2 killed as previsouly reported) was a pilot. Three other soliders were wounded as a result of the collision -- one of them is in serious condition. They are being treated at the RAMBAM hospital in Haifa. (Read the whole story if you wish on YNET here)
Read here from wikipedia for some info about the Apache Attack Helicoper.

Cost per helicopter is about $56.25 million dollars (per wikipedia). So if we count the 2 of these that crashed last night, and the IAF F16i which crashed after takeoff the other day at a cost of $34 million, we arrive at the total cost of crashed IAF warships at $146.9 MILLION DOLLARS. Think about that when you buy Israel bonds...(maybe buy an extra one for the kids, grandchildren, pets...)
10:36 AM Good morning world. Updates coming shortly...
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Find a Rally Near You

You may have noticed the latest sidebar additions - well, now there's another one. The JBlogosphere has a somewhat comprehensive listing of all the rallies around the world - and could use your help filling out the rest. Click on the icon to find the rally nearest you.
If you have attended a rally and have written about it and/or have pictures, please leave a link in the comments section there - thanks!
Though I am living in NYC, not a Muqata like Jameel, my heart always turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Updates from Israel - Thursday July 20
A quiet shabbat to us all.
Reports of 2 soldiers killed in helicopter crash. Unconfirmed reports as well of IDF casulties near Avivim. I'm not staying up now to sustantiate the reports now...they should be on YNETnews soon.
12:22 AM Unconfirmed reports of TWO IAF helicopters colliding in Israel near Ramot Naftali (in Israel, not South Lebanon). Reports say it was a collision of the 2 helicopters and they were NOT shot down as Hizbolla is claiming.
12:09 AM Unconfirmed Reports of IAF helicopter down in South Lebanon. Checking sources...
11:46 PM Rallies for Israel in San Francisco and San Jose
12:00 noon - Sunday, July 23, 2006 Justin Herman Plaza - San Francisco (at the foot of Market street and the Embarcadero) More information:415.957.1551
Also Israel Solidarity Rally in SAN JOSE
Sunday, July 23 at 5:00 pm Tentatively planned for either Plaza de Caesar Chavez or City Hall. You will be notified of the exact location. For more information:(408) 366-9108
11:41 PM Rally for Israel in Toronto, CANADA
Stand With Israel - Join the Rally
Wednesday July 26, 7:30 pm
Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge Street
11:34 PM Qassam Rocket lands in Karmiya (Southern Israel)
11:30 PM Israel TV (CH10) reports that the interview with Nasralla was not live on Al-Jazeera, but previously recorded.
11:28 PM Someone sent me a website pointing to a film, “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” Has anyone seen this movie or know anything about it? Worth seeing? Thanks...
11:10 PM Air Raid sirens heard in Carmiel and Tzefat
11:06 PM Nasralla appearing on live TV interview on
Al-Jazeera Television -- and says not one member of the
Hizbolla leadership has been hurt. (corrected)
11:04 PM More pictures of Katyusha rocket damage in Haifa

10:52 PM Sirens heard in the Western Galilee. Four Katyusha rockets land in Rosh Pina. No Injuries. Rumor from Lebanon that Nasralla will make a TV appearance this evening.
10:50 PM Some pictures of Katyusha damage to Haifa (click picture for full screen) More pictures coming soon.

10:18 PM Released for publication by military censor. Some of the terrorists arrested yesterday at the Palestinian Authority Muqata in Shechem, were working for Hizbolla.
9:38 PM Lots to post, but have to run to shiur.
Eilat Hotels at 100% capacity, due to influx of guest from the North. The IDF checkpoint at the Northern entrance to Eilat had a 7 kilometer traffic jam, as thousands of people flock to Eilat. Hotel occupancy in the North is at an all time low.
Intense Firefight continues up North on the border near Avivim. IDF troops kill at least 10 Hizbolla terrorists, while the IDF has some wounded and casulties reported.
Check back around 10:45 PM, Israel time -- as I have lots of pictures to post.
6:10 PM Going off-line back around 8:30 PM, Israel time
6:06 PM Reports of 6 wounded IDF soldiers in ongoing firefight near Avivim.
6:03 PM Rockets landing everywhere up North. Sirens sounding in Chatzor, Tzfat, Avivim, Akko, Carmiel. Heavy fighting near Avivim.
5:49 PM A few minutes ago, Katyusha Rockets fell in the Upper Galilee. No damage or injuries.
5:42 PM Instructions upon Hearing the Air Raid Siren (Homefront Command/Pikud HaOref website -- they should probably contract me to re-write their website)
At the launch of rockets directed against said areas of residence, a siren will sound.
Upon hearing the siren, act according to the following instrcutions:
1. If indoors: immediately enter a secure space or an interior room with as few openings, windows and exterior walls as possible.
2. If outdoors: enter a stairwell of a building or assume a prone position next to the nearest wall or other shelter.
5:40 PM Funeral time announced for fallen IDF soldier Yotam Gilboa -- Friday, 10:45 AM, Kibbutz Maoz Chaim. Yotam was also a volunteer EMT for MDA.
5:36 PM Firefights between IDF and Hizbolla continue to rage on Israel's northern border.
3:24 PM Israeli IDF tank soldiers prepare for mission on Israel's Northern Border. Tefillat HaDerech/Prayer for a safe journey, recited in their tank. The soldier reads off the prayer from a card connected to is dog tag.