Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Welcome Home Gilad

Gilad Shalit - speaking to his mother
for the first time in 5 years after his release from captivity

While we may argue over the incredibly heavy price we paid for Gilad Shalit (and hopefully, without compound interest), one simply must welcome home Gilad with open arms, and a warm embrace...wishing him a Chag Sameach, Welcome Home, and expressing the feeling of "Am Yisrael Chai".

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Leah Goodman said...

I agree. We cannot let our anger about the release of terrorists cloud our love for our own boy who has been through hell.

NormanF said...

Let's be relieved but not happy!

Happiness is not appropriate emotion when Israeli families who have been abused and betrayed by their country receive no solace.

Their children will never return home again.

Rob said...

Amen V'Amen

Jack said...

It is long overdue and something to be happy about it.

Anonymous said...

Eat, drink and be happy about it, for tomorrow we die (from a terror attack).

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home Shalit!
Don't worry about the criminal released. Less people to feed in our prisons and less expenses to Israel. Next time we will not arrest them, but shoot them bmakom.
So enjoy your freedom and be sure we will always do anything to return home our captured soldiers, now and in the future.

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