Due to severe budgetary issues within the Palestinian Authority, some of the PA military forces have been forced to perform weapons training using...using only their bare hands.
The lack of enough weapons has forced the PA to train with the classic (but unconventional) index finger and thumb imaginary gun. Soldiers are therefore missing out on important training which involves actually holding a weapon.
You can't expect them to go out and defend Gaza while they shout, "bang bang"...
You can't expect them to go out and defend Gaza while they shout, "bang bang"...

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
that or maybe their big Charlies Angels fans.
LOL! Holy thats exactly what I was going to reference... that the pic reminds me of Charlies Angels... oh well!
Jameel you really truly crack me up. Hear me laughing?
absolutely hysterical. Thanks so much for sharing.
HH: Is Charlie's Angels on real late in your neck of the world? Or do you just stay up late blogging? :)
FG: Nope...can't hear anything. You'll have to laugh even lounder next time (I'll try to get something funnier...)
Frum Idealist: My pleasure! Thats what the JBlogosphere is for, right?
They're better armed than some of the Kitot Koninut I can think of.
(Including the guys without the guns).
I never stay up late for anything. I have no idea what you are talking about. You must be thinking of another handsome shafan.
HH: Oh ok...sorry about the misunderstanding. So, you're moving to Israel real soon, right?
uh..uh... sorry, can't blog anymore, I have an appointment at the sun tanning spa
HH: Aha! The shalowness gave you away! It IS you!
aaaaaaaaaah, I mean, NO... uhhhh
My truffles are burning. gotta go
Not the original holy hyrax: The Duel over aliya vs. staying in golus will take place soon...
Doesnt even pay for you to try and avoid it...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
soon eh? thanks for the warning. I'll just rent a few movies and stay home till it goes away.
HH: I'll just have to grab Chardal and we'll pay you a visit :)
I figured your not man enough to do it yourself. I know, take a water gun with you, it might bring out "the inner-settler" in you.
HH: Ooooooh. I'm SOOOOO hurt.
The reason for Chardal coming along is that I DONT KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.
Water gun? No thanks...I'll bring..."the watch"
My "inner settler" is quite calm, thanks.
Don't bother, he does not know where I live either.
I fear not the watch. Bring it on. Like I said, I bought the same one from the 99 cent store.
HH: Really? How odd...
I was sure he knew where you lived.
Oh well...we can meet somewhere neutral I guess.
You are more than welcome in my good ol fashioned Los Angeles home. I will give you my address personally. Chardals too lazy to shlep to my home, so I have to shlep to him whenever we learn. Thats ok Chardal, the day of my vengeance is coming soon. :)
HH: Cool...looking forward to it.
Will keep you posted. Maybe I should go to sleep now? Seems like this comment thread is about over. (for tonight anyway)
All you needed was the picture. Very funny!
I don't think it's because of lack of weapons - it's for their own good - they found out that the chnace of dying because of fingers accedently shooting off is about 50% less than with real guns. And as we know the Palestinians always think of Safty first - just look at todays toll (the fighting in the WB).
Also I like the position - it makes it a lot easier to take out an entire squad of them when they all Bunch together.
Love this training they get. What's the shrapnel range for a grenade?
I liked your comments !
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