Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The Last Day of Israel (Video)

The following appocolyptic video has been making the rounds (was only uploaded 3 days ago to youtube).

The Video's Bio is as follows:

Description: In February 2013 the Republic of Iran opened a combo attack culminating in the dropping nuclear bombs on Israeli territory and the environment.

This is one of many records that survived from that day that changed the world.
The video is fiction, and it's incredibly unlikely that Iranian warships will be bombing Israel. Yet the possibility that such an attack could happen still exists. Imagine showing a movie like this the week before Yom Kippur in 1973. Everyone would call it stupid, fear-mongering propoganda.

So, is this film today, also stupid, fear-mongering propoganda? Iran outwardly calls for Israel's destruction, and is progressing their nuclear program.

Does Israel's leadership have the foresight to prevent this?

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rrW said...

very, very, frightening. Unfortunately, if it came to this - it would be much worse.

Anonymous said...

I've been told that the Israeli Airforce has a six minute response time to any news of an incoming attack.

Anonymous said...

1 ) this is an excellent production; kudos to whoever made it; and

2 ) this would terrify me; except
for the promise that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" (Is. 54.17)

westbankmama said...

The difference between what happened in 1973 and now is that the government ignored the threat that was right in front of them before the Yom Kippur War. They chose not to react to the deployment of troops. The government is not claiming that there is nothing to fear from Iran - the question is what exactly to do and when to do it. It is also obvious to most of us that they are already doing things behind the scenes. Our children and grandchildren will one day read about it when the details become declassified - but we won't be around then!

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

WBM: Maybe they should invest more in the Iran threat, than chasing after hilltop outposts like Migron?

Anonymous said...

"WBM: Maybe they should invest more in the Iran threat, than chasing after hilltop outposts like Migron?"

What idiotic logic are you using to pretend that one has anything to do with the other?

Should you stop blogging so you have more time to make more nutritious food for your dinner? Or perhaps the time you spend blogging could be used running and doing more exercise?

One has NOTHING to do with the other!

*Awesome side note: the Word verification for me today is "boologic"

Anonymous said...

"WBM: Maybe they should invest more in the Iran threat, than chasing after hilltop outposts like Migron?"

What idiotic logic are you using to pretend that one has anything to do with the other?

Should you stop blogging so you have more time to make more nutritious food for your dinner? Or perhaps the time you spend blogging could be used running and doing more exercise?

One has NOTHING to do with the other!

*Awesome side note: the Word verification for me today is "boologic"

Anonymous said...

In History Iranian people never did wrong ( war ) in the history. But always tried to bring peace in the world. Not like UK, USSR, NAZI and now USA.

Anonymous said...

some time is become of last day for very long hurtled person life that is divorce problem if you need more information then link גירושין

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