On the eve of the Annapolis Conference where Israel's government is willing to unilaterally concede to terror by abandoning it's control over the West Bank and parts of Jerusalem, the "One Jerusalem" campaign is distributing at street corners throughout the city golden ribbons to be flown from cars, backpacks, and clothing.
The orange streamer hanging from our cars' rear view mirror is now joined by a gold one...as on my laptop backpack and all my kids school knapsacks.
Those giving out the streamers were the same teenagers that distributed the orange ones. Since most high schools are still on strike, the teenagers have plenty of free time, which is why they're distributing these streamers now.
I wonder if when Ehud Olmert gets word that these "Unity for Jerusalem" streamers are being given out everywhere by students -- whether he will quickly order the Treasury to end the strike.
Education's never been high on his priority list before...but now he has the perfect excuse to end the strike and prevent more people from having a "politically annoying" gold streamer on their car.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
the orange ribbon was a flop.
Hey, I was sitting in traffic on King David today, and I didn't get a ribbon!
anon 6:34
who are you kidding?! the orange campaign was from a PR standpoint one of the most successful political "name recognition" campaigns ever run in Israel. They probably were the #1 brand recognition in Israel, and still command the color.
OC: I have extras...but you should be able to get them at almost any central J-lem street corner.
None to be seen by me either :( Are they near King George & Yafo/Kikar Tzion area? Or do I have to stand in the middle of Sderot Herzl to be able to snag a ribbon of solidarity..?
Anyone know?
At least the American yeshiva bochers are still in school. AND they were supposed to be at that rally today to protest the divided city (so my son at KBY informed me).
"I wonder if when Ehud Olmert gets word that these "Unity for Jerusalem" streamers are being given out everywhere by students -- whether he will quickly order the Treasury to end the strike."
LOL (well not really)
shameless pitch: http://agmk.blogspot.com/2007/11/rapping-about-annapolis-peace-summit.html#links
So apparently the Gold campaign is being bankrolled by Ronald Lauder to the tune of... $1 Million!
Even you can't think that this is the best use of such funds in a country where one in three Israelis lives below the poverty line...
Jameel, brand recognition is one thing, but an effective campaign also changes people's minds and in this case government policy. From that point of view the whole 'orange campaign' was a total flop.
By the way, which colour ribbon should I tie to my car to identify with the teachers' struggle, the 1/3 of Israelis living under the poverty line or the victims of crime?
Forgot to sign off, the above is from me.
Yellow Boy
PS I am inclined to agree with Joe re: Olmert and Jerusalem
YB: 1. Thanks for your comments (nice to see you here)
2. The orange campaign was effective...starting with Sharon losing big-time on his "referendum" within the Likud. Had there been an actual referendum on the Disenagegment, it would have lost. I think the Orange campaign was successful in changing people's minds and making them re-evaluate the Disengagement.
The fact the Sharon went ahead with it anyway is more a sign of weak leadership (ignore his own refernedum results which he promised to hold by!) that of public opinion.
2. Re: the teacher strike. The day we got the gold ribbon, my daughter and I were driving past the knesset, and my daughter saw students demonstrating on behalf of the teachers. We honked for them just as we honked for the Jerusalem of Gold teenagers.
As my wife always says, "You wont find any education in Israel's Ministry of Education."
I can support multiple causes, can't I? Though I'm not sure I'd hang a rainbow colored ribbon with all the colors of all the causes ;-)
"the orange campaign was from a PR standpoint one of the most successful political "name recognition" campaigns ever run in Israel. They probably were the #1 brand recognition in Israel, and still command the color."
Staff at my school have been asked to not wear red or blue, since these colors have been coopted by local gangs. I told my mother that my red sweater has become synagogue wear by default.
"Well," my mother commented, "you can still wear orange to school, so between the two places you can wear everything..."
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