The Jerusalem Post has an obituary about her in today's paper (link)
Haaretz has an obituary about her (link)
RivkA's friends have created a Breast Pump Lending Center ("Gemach") and Consultation Service in her memory, called Meneket RivkA.
May her memory be a blessing, and may her family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.
A sketch of RivkA by her daughter,
on a "coffee and chemo" date with her.
on a "coffee and chemo" date with her.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Great job on the JPost article. Kudos to you and to Trep.
I hope that everyone's fond remembrances of RivkA are a comfort to her family.
Yes, I also thought that post article and all the tributes to RivkA were so meaningful, and a testimonial to all the love she engendered in everyone she came in touch with. I'm sorry I did not know her in real time, but feel nevertheless very touched by her generous, caring and loving nature that she radiated via her blog and especially the videos of her ... And her warm, red headed smile! She will be sorely missed.
You guys made the JPost a pleasure (which is usually a job that Caroline Glick has to carry all by herself). Thank you. It was a very beautiful tribute.
My mom called me up and told me tat there was a beautiful tribute to RivkA in the Jerusalem post. I asked her who wrote it. She said, " Let see, someone named David Bogner, and, huh, that's weird, somoene named Jameel!?!"
RivkA loved Har Homa and swimming so it makes sense we should have a RivkA Matitya Swimming Pool at the entrance to Har Homa where there is now a soccer field
Shimshon Leshinsky
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