Feeling depressed that are aren't among the millions of people around the world who work for the Mossad? Upset that the Dubai Police Chief hasn't personally named you as a chief assasin yet? Now's your chance -- you too can join the "I was also in the Dubai hit-squad" Facebook group. Click here to join.

The Irish Times reports:
Supporters of Mossad are showing their pride sales of T-shirts glorifying the spy agency have risen tenfold since it was linked to the murder of Mabhouh, a leading mail-order company of Israeli products told the Irish Times.
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Imagine how shocked I was to learn that my one year old grandson was part of the squad. At least he won't talk.
Rona: LOL.
People's pets have joined the top secret group as well.
I hope they keep adding more and more famous members to this list.
It's not Dubai
it's Dumbai!
Darn it - I have been trying to avoid joining Facebook for YEARS now - I mean, the LAST thing I need is ANOTHER site with my info out there - but you had to go & tell me about this!!!!
Oh, well...
Is interesting that dubai has a facebook site, i think that facebook is one of the best media social network where we can published a lot of things, is like a diary or something similar.
I think that facebook is the most important social network,so, all the companies must have facebook profile.
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