Posted by JoeSettler
I admit, its not as interesting as banning the Israel National Bible Contest, but for some of us, what's going on at the Israeli Post Office is much closer to heart - or at least our pockets.
I admit, its not as interesting as banning the Israel National Bible Contest, but for some of us, what's going on at the Israeli Post Office is much closer to heart - or at least our pockets.
Since becoming privatized, the Post Office, must have mistranslated the word, as they have since become Privateers.

If someone sends you a package from overseas, beware. The Post Office now charges a fee for you to get your package (above and beyond any taxes that might be added on by Meches).
There are unconfirmed stories going around now that some overseas packages aren't being delivered anymore to Jerusalem (and are left at Tel Aviv), unless you pay an extra fee for local delivery too!
Now I'm not a big fan of bans, but I've told everyone not to send packages to me, and simply hold on to them until I find a friend who will act as a courier.
I'm also not a big fan of petitions, which I think are a waste of time, but if you personally think they have some effect, Sign Away.
This of course, is not to mention actual pilferage, which happens frequently within our town, people receiving opened envelopes with checks missing (seemingly specifically when coming from overseas).
I just picked up a package of books today at the Hashmonaim mail budka. It was repair manuals for our new washer and dryer (hope I'll never ever need them but prudence suggests otherwise). I apid about $48 including postage. No taxes or charges were requested at this end.
We complain a lot about the poor mail service that we get (only open 5 hours/week, sometimes not even that) and misdirected mail, but I've never heard anything about pilferage or theft.
I just picked up a package of books today at the Hashmonaim mail budka. It was repair manuals for our new washer and dryer (hope I'll never ever need them but prudence suggests otherwise). I paid about $48 including postage. No taxes or charges were requested at this end.
We complain a lot about the poor mail service that we get (only open 5 hours/week, sometimes not even that) and misdirected mail, but I've never heard anything about pilferage or theft.
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