Sunday, June 28, 2009

An Urgent Posting

Hi Readers! Yes, I'm still sick, but getting better slowly -- I've felt so ill I couldn't even post for a week. Yet the following came along today and I was so annoyed, that I broke out of blogging convalescence and had to get this message out to you.

From the Beit Shemesh Email List:

Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 9:31 PM
Subject: Montreal Rabbi Helps Child Abuse Cult Leader

Rabbi Yochanan Wosner, a dayan in Montreal, Canada, is conducted a fundraising campaign for Elior Chen, who is wanted in Israel for running a child abuse cult that has left a number of children injured, and one in an irreversible coma.

Chen ran off to Brazil, in the hopes of avoiding extradition. Now, Rabbi Yochanan Wosner of Montreal is helping Chen, claiming that Chen was set up. In fact, the prima facia evidence is overwhelming and Chen is fighting extradition to Israel, since he knows that the case against him is open and shut. In the meantime, Rabbi Wosner encouraged Chen to escape to Brazil and has initiated a campaign to raise money for the alleged cult leader.

Fellow Jews. Have mercy on the victims of Elior Chen.

Contact the Jewish Community Council of Montreal at

Express your outrage that a rabbi in their community (who sits on their Beth Din: ca/dintorah.html) is aiding and abetting a suspected abuser.

The number for the Beth Din is (514) 739-6363.

Please forward this email.
Here's a good background link from the JPost where Chen's bio is: "An Israeli fugitive who is considered to be the ringleader of - and 'spiritual mentor' responsible for - one of the worst child abuse cases in Israeli history."

People: When the forces of good go after child molesters or child abusers -- communities need to support them, and not have fund raising rallies for monsters. Did the honorable Dayan Yochanan Wosner ever visit the hospitalized comatose child? Did he speak to the Israeli Police to see what the facts are? Does he care?

Haven't there been enough Lanner and Kolko cases around the planet for this problem to go away?
Do the right thing -- get the word out on your utter disgust that the Dayan Woser is publicly trying to help this silmeball Chen.
Here's some source info (in Hebrew, with posters and the Dayan's letter on behalf of Chen) that's going around London's Chareidi Communities.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד


Anonymous said...

I've seen the little boy. He has spastic paralysis anc can only take food through a tube in his stomach. He responds to pain and discomfort, but not to much else. His condition leads to frequent complications which in turn lead to further hospitalizations.

He has lovely long blond payess. To see ths is to break your heart. There is no corner in hell hot enough to punish those responsible for this.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know of Rabbi Yochanan Wosner is related to Rav Shmuel HaLevi Wosner?


Anonymous said...

Are we sure this is true (about Dayan Wosner)?

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Anonmous: Here's a link to posters and an official letter from Dayan Wosner that are plastered all over the London Chareidi community under the guise of "blood libel".

Unknown said...

Don't you know 'its the medina making up lies.'

Unknown said...

Refuah Shleima Bemehera.

CJ Srullowitz said...

I hope you are feeling better and pray for your full recovery.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Josh:Don't you know 'its the medina making up lies.'

Of course...happening to know the family personally means I'm also part of the huge zionista median conspiracy...

(and all -- thanks for the good wishes)

Cosmic X said...

I know a rabbi who knows Elior Chen. He doesn't believe that Chen is guilty of what he is being accused of.

Let's see what happens at the trial.

Neshama said...

Wishing Jameel a speedy recovery.
May I recommend a couple things that might help you immensely:
*stay away from dairy (only goat prods if u must)
*Kyolic aged garlic extract (no odor), 100% Vege w/enzymes, Formula 102 (200 Vcaps). If no Kyolic, find next best thing. (Kosher) Take more than they recommend, will not hurt at all (sulpher based)
*Bio-Strath, a natural stress and fatigue formula from switzerland. Comes in Liquid and is Kosher. Should be able to find it in Israel, as they usually have Euro prods. Helped my husband, should help you. Take twice daily, am and pm.
Eat alot of veggies, fruits, and some grains (kasha and couscous). Light foods.

And may the Great Healer of all, grant you to be up and around after Shabbos!

Anonymous said...

I have had quite a bit of contact directly with the family and have heard directly from some of the children what he personally did to them. No question that he's guilty.

The reason people have a hard time believing that he's guilty is that for many years he was a a brilliant wonderful spiritual guide and this was how he managed to convince some of the people involved that he was doing it for the children's own good. The only problem is that at some point something snapped...

Manya Shochet said...

"The reason people have a hard time believing that he's guilty is that for many years he was a a brilliant wonderful spiritual guide and this was how he managed to convince some of the people involved that he was doing it for the children's own good."

Beware, beware, beware of the personal magnetism of leaders. Be cautious of authority figures when following them gives you a chance to abdicate personal responsibility.

Kamagra said...

He responds to pain and discomfort, but not to much else. His condition leads to frequent complications which in turn lead to further hospitalizations.

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