Were Jews really made into candles and buried in Israel?
Every Person Has a Name
From Rabbi Natan Slifkin (Zoo Torah)
Finally, the obligatory video. This is rather graphic, but crucial history for everyone to see.Every Person Has a Name
From Rabbi Natan Slifkin (Zoo Torah)
In lieu of an essay, I thought that I would refer you to two fascinating stories of zoos that hid Jews during the Holocaust.
One is the Artis Zoo in Amsterdam; you can watch a brief video about its rescue of Jews.
The other is the Warsaw Zoo, whose rescue of Jews has been novelized in a fascinating new book by Diane Ackerman, "The Zookeeper's Wife"
"In both accounts, the unique features of a zoo made it possible for the very brave zoo directors to successfully hide people in the grounds -- both accounts are extraordinary stories of ingenuity and bravery amidst the darkness."
And this video's from Jewlicious -- the siren this morning in Jerusalem, and how everything just stopped.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
1 comment:
Is it just me or do they forget to mention (in the first video) that a few of the victims were Jews?
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