(This is also a stickey post -- please scroll down past this posting for recent Muqata updates)

Dear Inhabitants of the JBlogosphere!
I've been in the JBlogosphere about 7 months now (that's close to 18 years in Alpo dog years), so I don't know what happened last year in the JBlogosphere for the month of Adar and Purim.
However, why lament what we missed last year, when we can stand on the shoulders of last year's Purim merriment?
In fact - let's stand on the heads of this year's blogs...and maybe jump up and down on them while we do so?
Therefore, the Muqata is proud to organize the very first JBlogosphere Parody PurimFest!
Registration for this event is CRUCIAL to ensure the widest possible audience to your creativity, cynicism and wit -- as you can show the world what you think of your favorite blogs.
First Come - First Served (yes, there is a slight bias to Israeli bloggers who are reading this earlier...)
To participate, simply email me, Jameel at: muqata@gmail.com with the blog you would like to parody (put the word PURIM in the subject line) and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible, hopefully with confirmation that the blog you selected hasn't already been chosen. If it's already been chosen, I can recommend some others. In fact, choose 3 blogs in order of preference to make life easier for me.
For the first few days, email confirmation may take up to 24 hours.
Shy about doing one all by yourself? Get a few blog friends together and share the fun.
More details to follow -- in the meantime, register the blog you wish to parody, start dreaming up all the great Purim posts, and post this Purim Parody ad link (and graphic below) on your blog.
The more the merrier - and what better way is there to celebrate ADAR and Purim than with the entire JBlogosphere?
With Warm Purim Regards,
Jameel Rashid (yes, my wife wants me to change this name)
The Muqata Ltd.
Special thanks to the official JBlogosphere Extreme Graphic Artist: Ifyouwillit
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Fabulous idea! I fall under the "too shy" category but I can't wait to read them. I'll also use the terrific graphic as soon as I figure out how to do that.
ooooooh i like this idea
Sounds like another traffic-boosting gimmick ... ;) Should be fun, though.
Of course it is, LR! :) But I am REALLY going to enjoy this. :P
Rebecca: I will post some basic rules (to ensure that nothing is mean...)
LabRab: Sorry - but thought of traffic boosting never crossed my mind! (well, maybe in passing...) I may even move the entire project to a new blog to prove its all lishem shamayim ;-)
Ayelet: Why don't you hook up with a few other bloggs and do it as a group project? Don't let shyness get in the way of creativity!
Steg: Nu? And who will you parody? Mar Gavriel's blog has ALREADY been taken. (about 12 minutes after I posted this last night)
Get the Party Started! As the brains behind the operation, I wish you every success with this project, and can't wait to read the results.
I trust you'll be funny without being cruel at the same time, I have witnessed so many well meant imitations and parodies that left too many people seriously hurt.
Always remember people are not aware of what's funny about them, and it's not necessarily a pleasant discovery for them!
You already received my parody last night. Though it still needs some work.
How do you spoof Mar Gavriel? Write stuff that's not funny?
DG: His site is ALREADY chosen by someone...and believe me...its going to be a funny spoof :)
so when are you going to start posting the parodies?
AirTime: Actually - I was thinking of the Sunday before Purim...but maybe we should start next week Sunday?
Let me sleep on it. Will let you know tomorrow...
Sorry Jameel i'm not so good at the parody funny thing.
Sounds like a great idea! I, uh, actually already did this here, but you sorta have to be a regular Kerckhoff reader to get it.
I'd like to see what some of you would to to me.
Actually, maybe not.
I love it.. I can't wait to read all those parodies. Unfortunately I am horrible at this kind of stuff (I was never chosen for purim spiels or anything of the like in my yeshiva days), so I will spare you and participate as a reader..
I will try to do Treppenwitz, since he's my idol.
Mr. Jewlicious: Like Purim? Sorry dude, that just doesn't cut it.
Just you wait for the Carnival Parody of Jewlicious...
Can someone do the following:
thefrumskeptics yahoo group
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