hattip: JoeSettler
Nothing personal...I'm sure there are lots of nice people in Teaneck, but there are lots more 5T bloggers who read the Muqata. (And all I did was post the photo, it came from someone else.)
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Great photo!
My brother lives in Teaneck, and he subtley hints this to me all the time. You know the irony about this reason? My brother is about to shell out $13 THOUSAND to send his kid to PRE-SCHOOL. His house costs 5 times as much as my father-in-law's and is SMALLER. You need to be making 6 figures just live in Teaneck. You need to rob a bank to survive in Teaneck. No such thing exists in Israel. How do they live in all these Shtuoit reasons for not coming to Israel? HOW IN THE WORLD CAN THEY JUSTIFY THIS EXCUSE FOR NOT LIVING IN ISRAEL?!?
Ok, now that's funny.
God Bless Photoshop.
Robbie: Life would just be so boring without it.
OM: And what would it say on the Five Towns sign?
OC: From what I hear, Teaneck's not the worst place on the earth to live...and there is Aliya from there. Guess it will just take some time.
this made me laugh out loud!
jameel, no, there are more expensive places in America to live. But, you get my point.
Half-decent Photoshop work. Cute.
It's a good thing I learned how to hold in my laughter at work (plug nose and seal mouth until I need to breathe). The sad thing is, I wasn't sure if it was Photoshopped or not...
Scraps: Its definitely Photoshopped! And its crucial to know how to not laugh out loud at work! (Though blogging during meetings can very challenging!)
I'm told the real sign says, "We'd rather be in Israel, but you know, the Kosher Sushi..."
Must: What would the 5 towns sign say?
I miss Teaneck.
Dutch Girl: What do you want from me?
Some of my best friends are from Teaneck...er, well, not really.
What would the sign say in Baltimore? "Would rather be in Israel, but the shidduch scene is better here?"
Now with Kadia officially running the show - we may see a special Aliya tax for NBN Jews from Teaneck - someone's got to pay all those Keneset salaries right ?
Does anyone really want to live in New Jersey.
Funny Jameel!
Jack: I'm told its better than Cleveland...
This isn't where Rav Meir Goldwicht lives, right?
very funny sign.
i think cleveland is better then Jersey, but not by much.
Jameel, you crack me up lol.
most places are better than cleveland.
that's still better than "i'm waiting for moshe'ach"
Hmmm. I wonder if my teaching credential would be any good in Israel.
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