Brokeback Balabusta: On the Jews and their Movies
Filed by Toby Katz @ 8:18 pm
8 bAdar
Responding to my platonic friend Yitzchak Adlerstein’s post about that cowboy movie, some typical by-product of a clueless, mixed-race, public education sent me the following tasteless joke:
“What’s the big deal about this movie? I head three yungerleit from Telz were killed in the rush for tickets!”
Disgusting, and further proof that secular, Jewish, liberals are driving America down the tubes, despite the fact that Republicans have been in command of Congress for 12 years, and currently control all three branches of government.
Movies like Brokeback Mountain which degrade traditional cowboy values and glorify unconditional love make it very clear that we are a long way from the days when Hollywood could be counted on to make fine, moral movies like Bambi and Birth of a Nation.
8 bAdar
Responding to my platonic friend Yitzchak Adlerstein’s post about that cowboy movie, some typical by-product of a clueless, mixed-race, public education sent me the following tasteless joke:
“What’s the big deal about this movie? I head three yungerleit from Telz were killed in the rush for tickets!”
Disgusting, and further proof that secular, Jewish, liberals are driving America down the tubes, despite the fact that Republicans have been in command of Congress for 12 years, and currently control all three branches of government.
Movies like Brokeback Mountain which degrade traditional cowboy values and glorify unconditional love make it very clear that we are a long way from the days when Hollywood could be counted on to make fine, moral movies like Bambi and Birth of a Nation.
Got the stomach for more? Its all here: http://notcrosscurrents.blogspot.com/
Given the preoccupation with this topic, the blog might be called straight-currents.
Or Cross-Loving Currents
This one's a bit too mean-spirited for my tastes.
I don't think it's the meanest one. Others were cueler, and this one sticks pretty closely to an actual Toby Katz post. A lot of it is word for word.
If it sounds mean, it's probably because that's what Toby sounds like in real life. In other words, the parody was spot on.
WOW and i thought the DovBear one was bitter-sounding!
I don't think it's mean. I think it is in the purim spirit.
If you think it is mean you need another drink and then read it again.
I agree the DovBear one was nasty. This one just chokes Toby on her own words.
Where is the Hirhurim parody??
I don't think a good parody should be mean-spirited; it should be lovingly mocking and/or silly. If someone truly hates a given blog/blogger (as was obviously the case here) they should not be the one to parody him.
I disagree. The parody is bloody brilliant.
Spot on!
It help if you are familair with the source material, I think.
Of course taste in humor, as any other taste, is utterly subjective ("de gustibus" and all that), so it's pointless arguing further on this. Sorry to have started it.
I thought I'd get at least one "me too" though.
I didn't think it was *so* mean... then again, I didn't think the DB one was mean either. Gotta love the upside down JIB on this one - in general, the little sidebar and profile changes on all the parodies are actually as funny as the posts IMO.
Hi All -
I don't think this was too meanspirited. I read all the blogs for content, and didn't think this was too off the wall.
Many more blogs to come...on motzei shabbat or Sunday.
NONE tomorrow. Trust me. The Mrs. @ The Muqata would kill me if I worked on this on Friday...
The only thing worse than blogging on Friday..is blogging on Friday after candle-lighting when I should be showering.
This one was fine, because it was funny. The Chardal on is not fine, because it isn't funny, and because it plainly was written by someone who hates DovBear.
anonymous - see my comment on chardal's site.
It was a parody of Chardal!
LOL! Sorry, I guess I'm a little bit mean-spirited myself sometimes, but I thought these posts were hysterical. I was also amused by the fact that it's impossible to comment on the site.
Lemme guess... DovBear?
6sI72F The best blog you have!
DsoyBp Thanks to author.
Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Nice Article.
Please write anything else!
Good job!
Hello all!
Please write anything else!
Nice Article.
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