I Can Do That!
One day my son might kill me for retelling some of these stories but they are just too funny not to share. The beauty of a five old cannot truly be expressed in words. The honesty and innocence are so gratifying and so much fun. Also, he's a lot smarter than me.
Earlier this week we had a conversation about the best way to mark your territory. This took place while we were camping in the woods. Of course, we live in LA where there are no woods. So, actually, we were in a tent alongside the LA freeway.
So here is a condensed version of our discussion.
"Daddy, I have to go pee."
"Just step outside the tent, son, and take care of it."
Catch it all here (and the audioblog as well!) http://wishiwerejack.blogspot.com
Now I really want to know who is writing these...
Not bad. I know who did mine- audioblogs make it easy. But this did make me smile.
No, I know that I know you.
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