Ladies and Gentlemen of the JBlogosphere -
Here is the list of the parody spoofers...and the blogs they spoofed. Not all of the bloggers want public credit for their masterpieces, and some haven't replied back yet, but I'll update the list if and when more bloggers come forward.
I would like to personally thank each and every one of them for their enthusiasm, cooperation, good humor, and tact (this potentially could have deteriorated very quickly into a mud slinging festival, but the true spirit of Purim fun came through brightly and entertainingly)
Special thanks to Ifyouwillit, the in-house Muqata extreme JBlog graphic designer, and a very very special thanks to that anonymous blogger who spent agonizing hours working on the blogger templates. If it weren't for that publicity shy anonymous blogger, I don't think this would have been as fun as it was. Plus, the purim templates will be ready for next year :)
I enjoyed myself immensly, despite losing many hours of sleep over this project, and look forward to next year's spoof event.
However, there are many more fun and exciting collaborative JBlog projects coming up from the Muqata...and you don't want to miss them!
And now...the list: (scroll down to see it. I have no clue why all this white space is here. If you know why, please drop me an email how to fix it...thanks!)
Blogger | Spoof Blog | |
AirTime | Orthomom, StepIma | |
Publicity Shy | Bethlehem Ghetto | |
Mirty | Jack's Shack | |
StepIma | Mirty's Place | |
A - The Israeli Tour Guide | Going Slightly Mad (TAFKAPP) | |
Swiftthinker | AirTime | |
AbbaGav | JudeoPundit | |
Jak Black | Harry Maryles (Emes v'Pshara) | |
SerandEz | DovBear | |
Batya | Mirty's CodeScraper | |
Robbie | SerandEz | |
Godol Hador | Mar Gavriel | |
Elie | SoccerDad | |
Krum | Godol Hador | |
Publicity Shy | Israel Perspectives | |
Phishaliya & BEC | The Muqata | |
BEC | West Bank Blog | |
Phishaliya | Oleh Girl | |
Ifyouwillit | JeruGuru | |
Publicity Shy | The Rabbi's Kid | |
Jameel | Treppenwitz, Lost in BEC's Universe | |
StepIma, Jameel | AskShifra | |
No Clue | Steg | |
Publicity Shy | Krum | |
Oleh Girl | Balagan | |
TAFKATPP | Tales of an Israeli Tour Guide | |
(waiting for confirmation) | Chardal | |
Litvshe | Amshinover | |
DovBear | Crossed Currents. | |
Jerusalem Cop | First Dates | |
Orthomom | Renegade Rebbitzen | |
Lipman | Lipman | |
Must Gum | Female Frum Struggle | |
Mega-Anonymous* | DatingMistress, Jerusalem |
(*will cost lots of cash)
PS: We'll award the CRIBS next week as soon as the graphics are done...
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
I don't know who half these people are :(
Ted's been letting me sleep under your bed... bwahahahaaaaa :)
This is amazing. I haven't even guessed a single person correctly. Oh well. Maybe next year!
DovBear: I guess there are ALOT of people who not only don't comment on your blog, but they may not even visit! ;-)
Don't worry - I'll introduce them all to you...and put in a good word.
Publicity shy? What's that about!!! Now I am really curious. Will krumasahamantasch please stand up? (Or at least email me?)
DovBear: I guess there are ALOT of people who not only don't comment on your blog, but they may not even visit! ;-)
Nah, I'm sure they all visit :)
Bravo, one and all!
well done everyone, great work, lots of laughs!! :)
Had a feeling it was Mirty doing Jack...'s blog
Wow, I was spoofed by AbbaGav. Cool.
Hi Jameel -- I have to remark on the comment you recently left on Semgirl's blog about the seminary girls who came to your home for Shabbos and stayed in their room the whole time ... I had a situation quite similar, except the reverse: my roommate and I had gone to a Shabbason and our host was the most untalkative, non-conversational automaton ever ... we stayed in our rooms a lot of the time because whenever we asked to help (like put food out, set the table), she was always like No Thank-you ... it was weird/awkward.
Like ... why host someone if you're not the host type? I totally dig where you were coming from.
i think it was Back of the Hill doing the spoof of me
send me the html if you want to get rid of the blank lines. (It's on the Edit post page). I'll fix it and you can paste it back in.
Wow! The Ba'al HaBayit did my parody! I'm honored... but not too surprised. After all, how many of the possible culprits have access to a mekutzar? ;-) Nicely done.
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