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Please say a prayer for the safety of our soldiers.
Additional New posts from today can be found below this post.
As a general rule we will try and keep operational details to a minimum, that includes troop movements and the exact location of rocket hits. If items are reported in the Mainstream Israeli Media we will report them as well.
11:29 PM Web Site of all IDF soldiers who died defending Israel in the IDF "Cast Lead" operation -- Names, Pictures, Stories, and up to date. Link here
11:28 PM Video - IDF Soldiers Fight Their Way Through Gaza's Streets 8/01/09
11:10 PM Update: UN Security Council passes resolution that "stresses the urgency of an immediate, durable and fully respected cease-fire." The security council expressed "grave concern at the escalation of violence and the deterioration of the situation in Gaza and southern Israel." [thanks TJ!]
This seems to me to be decent news for Israel since it's not mandatory action requiring a cease fire.
10:59 PM IDF releases info that a 3rd soldiers was killed in action today, Omer Rabinowitz, 23 from Arad
10:53 PM Jimmy Carter's brilliance shines:

The tunnels dug by Hamas are "defensive"
...this fragile truce was partially broken on Nov. 4, when Israel launched an attack in Gaza to destroy a defensive tunnel being dug by Hamas inside the wall that encloses Gaza. (WaPost)
(photo from My Pet Jawa)
10:48 PM Imminent threat of rocket launches at Beer Sheva.
10:46 PM Received the following link from a friend:
(Sunday, January 4, 2009) This evening, my brother, who serves as a career military rabbi, told me the following story, which took place this past Shabbat, when the IDF entered Gaza.
He was one of three rabbis who spent Shabbat on a base not too far away from the border, together with a few hundred soldiers who were preparing for the ground incursion. After spending the day delivering shiurim and motivational speeches, the rabbis wondered if they should perhaps travel with the soldiers from the base to the staging location, in order to boost the soldiers’ morale...
Read the rest, here
10:44 PM Warnings of imminent rocket launches to Sderot.
10:31 PM The day in Photos: Day 13, IDF Operation Cast Lead. (captions coming soon)

from where Katyushas were shot at Israel this morning

today, Reuters

in preparation for entry into Gaza. Reuters

this morning against Israel from South Lebanon - Reuters

Where is the world's outrage? Hello? CNN?

10:10 PM Reports from foreign sources (via rotter) that IAF jets have picked up radio signature activity of SA-7 anti-aircraft missiles in Gaza. While the missiles have not been used, the discovery of their activity is less than cheerful.
From Hugh Hewitt:
SA-7 (Russian design, Iranian manufacture, training) Sapper
Anti-aircraft, shoulder-fired (MANPAD)
Impact: Can't take out IAF jets, but are assault helo [helicopter] killers.
Note: We had a rash of SA-7 shots being taken and downing our choppers in one corridor in Iraq (Sea Stallions, CH-46's [both carrying troops], Appache/cobras) - and Britain lost a Lynx helo to one in Basra. We started whacking Iranians shortly after and the SA-7 supply stopped. As an old anti-aircraft Marine, I noted to Pentagon sophisticated tactics being employed by terrorist crews (Thanks to their penchant for publishing propaganda videos of their snuffs), suggesting advanced training in/by Iran. Not a simple weapon. Got a quiet nod in response. FYI.
9:59 PM Volunteer Suicide Bombers from Iran forbidden from going to Israel.
On Tuesday it was reported that more than 70,000 Iranian student volunteers registered to carry out suicide bombings against Israel. (ynet). Today, fresh from Tehran, came the following statement;
Iran's top leader banned hardline Iranian volunteers on Thursday from leaving the country to carry out suicide bombings against Israel, but warned that Iran would assist the militant group Hamas in other ways. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's ban sought to tone down calls by allies of hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to toughen Iran's stand against Israel. (AP)
9:55 PM The mother of IDF solider, Nitai Stern who was killed in Gaza by friendly fire (an errant tank shell), says today that she embraces the soldiers that accidentally killed her son. Sarah Stern told President Shimon Peres today when he paid a condolence call to the family: "I want you to find the soliders that accidentally shot the tanks shells at my son, and give them this very clear message -- we embrace them and love, and we hold nothing against them" (ynet)
9:50 PM Photo of IDF Solider, Amit Robinson, killed in action in Gaza.

9:33 PM I'm sad to report that another soldier was killed in action today, Amit Robinson from Kibbutz Magal in the north. HY"D.
6:47 PM Over 8 Hamas terrorists killed by IDF forces in the past hour.
6:42 PM Reports of 7 wounded IDF soliders by a mortar fired at their position in Gaza.
6:42 PM Its been a few hours with no water in Sderot, because a Qassam hit a primary water main in the city.
5:26 PM No injuries (or damage) as result of Rocket strike in Ashdod area
5:22 PM Rocket strikes on Ashdod -- Emergency Units responding. Launches also at Ashkelon.
4:20 PM Reports of additional IDF soldier killed today.
3:29 PM Nahariya Residents make life difficult for this Al Jazeer reporter.
3:28 PM Reports of an Israeli lightly wounded by Hamas sniper fire in the Gaza area.
3:13 PM In the current barrage of rockets at Sderot, no known injuries.
3:10 PM Why is Hamas shooting rockets at Israel during the 3-hour Humanitarian Cease Fire?
3:00 PM Two rockets land in Sderot. Emergency Units responding.
2:59 PM Finally, someone takes credit for this morning's Katyusha strike on Israel's north. The PFLP-GC which takes orders from Damascus seems to be behind the rocket attack on Israel.
2:57 PM Rockets on their way to Sderot
2:24 PM Hamas declines the Egyptian cease fire proposal.
2:09 PM Sirens in Ashkelon, explosions heard.
2:04 PM Killed in action earlier today, Major Ro'ee Rosner, 27 of Holon. Ro'ee was killed in action near the Kisufim junction from attack by anti-tank missle. He was a battalion commander in the Kfir Brigade.
1:58 PM Pictures form Katyusha strike on old-age home in Naharia

1:35 PM Officer killed earlier in the day Battalion commander (Mem Peh) from the Charuv/Kfir brigade.
1:30 PM Update from Ein HaShlosh: 2 medium, 3 lightly wounded. Being taken now to Soroka hospital.
1:24 PM IDF once more warning Rafiach residents to leave by 17:00.
1:20 PM Rocket direct hit on house in Kibbutz Ein HaShloshah. 4 wounded lightly.
1:12 PM Rocket in Ashkelon direct hit on house in the city. 3 wounded lightly.
1:08 PM Sirens in Ashkelon, explosions hear in the area.
12:55 PM Group of youths protesting around Al Jazeera reporter in Naharia while he tries to report in Arabic, waving Israeli flags and singing.
12:47 PM IDF officer killed in action in Central Gaza, apparently by an Anti-tank rocket. UPDATE: During fire fight south of Gaza city going from house to house, rocket exploded in room where officer and a second soldier were standing. Second soldier wounded lightly.
12:40 PM Sirens heard in Ashkelon as rocket launch detected. No reports of injuries.
11:58 AM Hamas, Hizbollah: We had nothing to do with the Katyusha launchings at Northern Israel this morning.
11:53 AM Anti-Semitism Around the world
8th, January 2009 -- Welcome To Gazza: New Brown Shirts Vandalise Jewish Cemetery in Whitechapel, East London. (source)

11:24 AM The Palestinian terrorist from Mishor Adumim was an employee of the gas station. (h/t TJ)
11:22 AM Reports that Katyushas fired this morning from next to UNIFIL base.
11:14 AM Another 'humanitarian corridor' cease fire expected between 13:00-16:00 this afternoon.
11:13 AM One soldier wounded lightly in fighting in Sa'jaia in Gaza this morning.
11:12 AM The Ahmed Jabril terror organization take responsibility for rocket attack in North.
11:02 AM More rockets over Naharia and Shlomi. UPDATE False alarm! Response to sonic boom.
10:40 AM Lebanon stating the firing of rockets in Israel is a violation of 1701 and will investigate the issue and deal with it.
10:36 AM JoeSettler had a busy morning. Someone else on the Muqata crew will hopefully take over now. (and here's Litvshe to take over)
10:24 AM Terrorists throw firebomb at Magav position near Beit Lechem.
10:03 AM IAF attacking Northern Gaza.
10:00 AM Attack at Mishor Adumim gas station was suicide pyromaniac(!). Palestinian tried to light himself on fire in order to blow up the station. What an idiot, all he had to do was make a call on his cellphone while filling up (at least that's what the warning signs say). One bystander injured.
9:59 AM School cancelled today in Nariyah and Shlomi (up North).
9:43 AM Shooting at the Mishor Adumim gas station. Terrorist neutralized.
9:37 AM ( Last night a Hamas technician apparently got bored and viewed an erotic satellite channel, which accidentally was aired on the terrorist organization's Al Aqsa television station, according to The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
9:35 AM Rockets hit Shaar Hanegev. No injuries.
9:32 AM BREAKING NEWS: Terrorist ignited gas station near Maaleh Adumim (Mishor Adumim)
9:28 AM Rocket launched up North were not short-range Katyushas indicating the likelihood that Hizbollah did launch them.
9:12 AM Exchange of fire near Kissufim
A PRIVATE INITIATIVE: If you want to pray for a soldier in the field call 02-581-1911. They will give you the Hebrew name of a soldier in the field so you can pray (every day) for them.
9:07 AM IDF reports that last night they attacked 60 targets in Gaza.
9:00 AM This morning's attack up North hit a Nursing Home. CLARIFICATION: It may have been near the home and not on the home.
8:59 AM Rocket in South land in open area. No injuries or damage reported.
8:58 AM Good morning S'derot. Get to the shelters, because rockets are on the way.
8:57 AM Update from Commenter TJ. 4 Injured in attack up North.
8:55 AM First reports are saying that Palestinians in Lebanon fired the missiles on their own initiative and not Hizbollah. No confirmation yet on this report.
8:54 AM JoeSettler is exhausted and needs sleep.
8:23 AM IDF shoots 5 125mm artillery shells at launch point up North.No air raid sirens went off before attack. Entire North unprepared.
8:15 AM IDF shooting back at the source of the attack up North.
8:04 AM Two wounded up North. United Hatzalah and other emergency forces on the scene.
7:58 Rockets land in Nahariya, Shlomi, Kabri areas.
7:54 AM Cellular phone network up North crashes due to sudden overburden from concerned callers.
7:47 AM BREAKING NEWS: Reshet B reports. Katyusha rockets falling in Israel's North on the town of Nahariya. At least 3 rockets in the barrage.
1:46 AM Breaking News. A dozen IDF tanks are heading towards Khan Younis.
1:34 AM IDF hits home of senior Islamic Jihad terrorist in Gaza.
1:08 AM (Problems with blogger preventing some updates and uploads.)
12:33 AM No injuries or damage in GRAD rocket strike on Beer Sheva.
12:27 AM GRAD rocket landed in Beer Sheva area -- emergency units responding.
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Here's the picture of the Children Crossing sign from DoubleTapper's Blog.
Wow is that a lot of holes.
Was that caused by only one rocket?
Lots of good info on the different types of rockets being fired at you guys.
Stay safe!
Update: Reports of the IDF Navy shelling coastal targets in southern Gaza. (source: Rotter)
tj: drop us an email -- wanna join the muqata blogging crew? ;)
muqata @ gmail . com
Update: IDF bombs three targets in northern Gaza. (source: Rotter)
The Best mohammed T-shirt art is from Sweden. Watch and read the info at,
Update: Airstrikes continue throughout Gaza. Unconfirmed reports that senior Al Aqsa Brigade terrorist Abu Hamad's house was blown up. Reports of four terrorists killed in the latest round of airstrikes. (source: Rotter; arbnews)
(Jameel, I sent you an e-mail)
Update: Palestinian reports that IDF is engaging terrorists in the Zeitun neighborhood of Gaza City. Unconfirmed. (source:arbnews)
Update: A dozen IDF tanks are heading to Khan Yunis. (source:Sky News)
Khan Younis
What's in Khan Younis?
Update: Reports that IAF bombed a target in Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza. (source: arbnews)
"What's in Khan Younis?"
Terrorists and their munitions.
Update: Some Palestinian reports are claiming that over 30 IDF tanks are heading from Kissufim towards Khan Yunis. (arbnews)
Israel is building a field hospital along the Gazan border in order to help treat Gazan casualties. (source: Ha'aretz)
Update: Palestinian reports that the IAF bombed a target in the Tel Zatar neighborhood in northern Gaza. (source: arbnews)
"Hamas executes dozens of Gazans suspected of collaborating with Israel." (source: Haaretz)
Update: Tzeva adom alarm in Ashkelon 15 minutes ago. (source: Haaretz)
Also, the IDF is now engaged in Khan Yunis. (source: arbnews)
"The IDF opened a Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Center (HACC) Wednesday in Tel Aviv." (source: Arutz Sheva)
Jameel - LGF just posted a discussion of the photo you were questioning earlier - it's genuine, not Photoshopped. See -
Update: Arabs attempted to firebomb vehicles north of Beit El overnight. No injuries reported. (source: Arutz Sheva)
"Southern hospitals struggling under emergency conditions." (Haaretz)
Update: IAF continues airstikes throughout Gaza. IDF forces are reportedly engaged in combat southwest of Khan Yunis. (source: arbnews)
Update: One soldier lightly wounded in overnight operations in Gaza. He was taken to a hospital for treatment. (source:
Update: Sirens in Ashkelon. Unconfirmed reports of rockets launched at Nahariya in the north.
Update: Sirens now in Ashdod.
Update: Sirens went off at least twice in the past 10 minutes in Ashkelon.
Update: Lightly wounded in the Naharia rocket attack. (source: rotter)
Update: Two wounded from the rockets in the North, including one woman in Nahariya who was lightly to moderately wounded. (source: rotter)
Update: Four people lightly wounded in Nahariya. (Arutz Sheva)
Arbnews is reporting that the rockets fired from Lebanon were fired from right near a UNIFIL base.
What a shocker.
Update: Sirens in Sderot now.
One of the rockets up North hit a nursing home, and one resident was lightly wounded. Most of the residents were not in the area of the hit, because they were in the chadar ochel eating breakfast. (Ynet)
Baruch HaShem.
Update: IDF has been engaging terrorist combatants in the Kissufim area over the past hour. One soldier was wounded and transported to Soroka in Be'er Sheva. (source: rotter)
There is widespread speculation that the PFLP is responsible for the rockets in the North. They have been threatening to attack Israel, but no one really knows yet who launched the rockets. UNIFIL says that they are opening an "official investigation" into the matter.
Jameel: There was a huge gas station fire in Givat Shaul just last week, IIRC. Givat Shaul and Har Nof were covered in smoke.
Update: PFLP spokesman refuses to take responsibility for the rocket attacks in the North. (arbnews)
Maybe it was caused by someone talking on their cellphone while filling up their car. :)
כל הכבוד לצה"ל על היצרתייות ברצח הפעוטים והנשים בהריון
ועל יכולתו להגדיל שנאת העולם לישראל ומעשיה,
ורק שתדעו שהעם הפלסטיני היום יותר חזק ולא תוכלו להשמיד אותו
נכון שהרגתם עד עכשיו 700 בני אדם אלא עוד שנה תראו 7000 פעוטים חדשים
נתחתן ב 4 נשים ונביא לעולם 20 ילדים
anonymous: Where else would you dirty terrorists get your virgins from if you weren't using them as human shields?
Oh wait? Are your 7 year olds still virgins? Looks like they're married already.
Updates: Arab woman terrorist in Arad attacked an Israeli with a hammer. He was lightly wounded.
Update: The terrorist who tried to blow up the gas station in Maaleh Adumim was an Israeli Arab who worked there.
Update: There is currently a great deal of confusion in the media regarding whether there was an additional rocket barrage in the North.
TJ thanks for the information. Meanwhile police and Army are stating it was a false alarm
"Meanwhile police and Army are stating it was a false alarm."
Yes, there is certainly no confusion that that is what they are stating. :\
Size Does Matter
Jonathan Feldstein
Keeping Score on the Sidelines
Since the beginning of Israel’s “Operation Cast Lead,” many people have e-mailed to ask if we were OK, wondering what our perspective on the current violence is. I have also spent considerable time talking with my kids who have become increasingly interested in the news and are increasingly worried as friends’ brothers and fathers have been called up into reserves to defend Israel’s security, putting themselves in harm’s way. Only in Israel less than 5 years, we are not immune to the losses people have suffered, not in the past years, and not this week when the cousin/nephew of one of my kid’s friends/teachers was among the casualties.
We have watched Israeli TV, CNN and Fox, France TV, BBC and Sky News, and even Al Jazeera in English, as well as listened to the radio religiously whenever in the car. We have discussed the current situation from many perspectives and I always try to help my kids understand the current situation in the context of Israel’s history, and the challenge of the past 60 years to defend ourselves and preserve our freedom. Sometimes, my kids ask questions to which I do not have good answers. All this has raised many new questions.
For instance, in the past two weeks, there has been a great talk of “proportionality” as it relates to Israel’s operation. Why is it that this has been a lead topic on any number of news stories, or a significant topic at all? But if it is the case, it begs further questioning, not just taking the Arab party line at face value.
Many questions need to be asked. How do we measure proportionality? Is it on a per capita basis? By number of deaths? And when do we start measuring these? From December 27, 2008? That’s very subjective. Why not from 2000 when Hamas and others started firing rockets at Israel?
If those who are focused on proportionality think that things in war should be equal, this begs the question whether Israel should respond with the same number of rockets, 7000-8000. Should these rockets be fired indiscriminately at Palestinian population centers as Hamas does at Israel? Or should they only be fired at places from which Hamas fires at Israel, where Hamas stores its weapons, where its leaders take cover, and in which they are holed up, even if these are all often in densely populated areas among civilians? And if Israel were to respond indiscriminately like Hamas does, would that be OK in the context of proportionality, or would Israel be blamed further?
And why not count the number of deaths and injuries that Hamas and other Arab and Islamic terrorists have inflicted since 2000? Why not count the sum of all the casualties from all the terrorist attacks including the rocket fire, suicide bombings, etc? Is the value of an Israeli life worth less than that of an Arab life? Or do we just expect Arabs to attack Israelis, and Israelis to have to suffer in silence as the norm, the world order?
If these are all considered proportionally, we’ll see how well Israel has restrained itself over the years, and see how Israel’s response now has not yet come close to the proportional numbers that Hamas and friends have inflicted upon Israel all these years, not by any measure, not even close.
I have a feeling that if Israel were firing indiscriminately, or even targeting civilians, we’d have a death toll in the thousands or tens of thousands. Does anyone understand that 600 or 700 casualties out of 1.5 million is proof that Israel is specifically targeting the terrorists and not civilians? Why is it that the terrorists are hiding and taking cover among civilians, in schools, hospitals and mosques? And why is it that the terrorists don’t wear uniforms? Is it to make it very convenient to count a dead terrorist among the civilians, even if he was killed with a rocket launcher in his hands?
Also, as long as we’re talking numbers, how do we know that Hamas is even telling the truth about the casualties? We have seen Palestinians blatantly lie about the number of casualties in the past in order to give Israel a black eye in the world media time and again. All we have is their “reporting” to go by. All we have is their pictures to go by. How is it that Palestinian film crews conveniently happen to be present they allege Israel commits an “atrocity?” How is it that the camera man always seems to get the best angles, even though supposedly among fire? Could these be staged? Lies? Heaven forbid.
Has anyone looked closely that actual casualties are not being double counted? Has anyone looked carefully to see that the bodies being displayed were not killed on the spot where they are grotesquely being filmed? Where’s all the blood that would be spilled from these horrible injuries? Not on the ground next to the bodies. What’s that about?
Has anyone considered that Hamas may be using the limited fuel they claim they have to truck bodies from one place to another and count them multiple times? Or that they’re not doing now again what they’ve done before, using live bodies to pretend that there are more casualties? How do we know what they’re telling us is even remotely true? Is this anything more than a staged assembly line of “victims” paraded before the world like floats in the Macys Thanksgiving Parade? Is it all just good acting and giving the cameras a picture that the world is waiting to believe?
Why should we doubt that Hamas is telling the truth? As much as Hamas is a world leader in terrorism, they are also a world leader in deception. This is the same Hamas that staged a needing in a “dark” room, with curtains drawn and candles lit to “blame” Israel for alleged electricity shortages. Is it unimaginable that they would blatantly lie about the number of casualties, especially when nobody is there to check their math, the same way they lied about the sun shining into their dark meeting?
What is Hamas after all? They are a terrorist group opposed to any recognition of Israel or its right to exist. They claim to lead and represent the Palestinian people, but their leaders are hiding like rats in a sewer trying to save themselves rather than protect their people.
They deliberately place civilians at risk both by using population centers for cover, and by having their terror war against Israel take greater priority than taking care of the civilians.
They took over Gaza 19 months ago in a violent bloody coup, ousting the elected PA from control, killing and injuring dozens of their supporters. This is something they still do today, terrorizing and arresting supporters of the elected leadership of the PA in order to prevent the PA from taking control again.
They have been using an entire network of tunnels to smuggle weapons in to build a means to continue to confront and terrorize Israel, rather than using these tunnels to bring in food, clothing, books, medical supplies, etc. They have wreaked havoc on their people who have the poor luck of living under their control, under their iron fist.
The Palestinians of Gaza are no better under cynical Hamas domination than they are with the UN spending hundreds of millions of dollars each year to keep the refugees conveniently and artificially living in squalor. Why have neither spent a fraction of the money they spend to keep the Palestinians down on building for their future? Why is building their future less important than destroying ours?
Don’t get me wrong. As a husband and father, the loss of one civilian is a great tragedy. How is it that the Palestinians continually allow their leaders to place their children in harm’s way? How is it that a parent would tolerate this? Golda Meir had an answer. The Arabs must learn to love their children more than they hate ours.
So how are we? Physically, we’re fine. But I am dismayed that we have to continue to defend ourselves, to put ourselves in harm’s way to fight back an enemy that still wants to push us into the sea. I am worried for my friends and neighbors whose sons and husbands have gone off to defend our country, again. My optimism that there can or will be peace has been deflated. I am resigned to the fact that maybe peace is no more than a dream, a fantasy. But I am resolved that if fighting back is what it will take, against this or any other enemy, we will do so. We will continue to live free in our own country, hoping, praying, maybe naively, that there will be peace one day, but prepared to overcome our enemies at the drop of a hat, or a katyusha.
Guys! We need a translation of that al-jazeera video!
OK , you think I'm a dirty terrorist , but i know that not all the Jews are that " Dogma " like you .
well , I'm a filmmaker .. i don't even know how to use a gun grandmother is Jewish , her name is Zelda and she is a proud 94 years old Egyptian , writing poetry till now , in Arabic and Hebrew " she taught me Hebrew " , and she is weeping every day for the innocent dead people " both sides " , and she is putting " Dalia Rabecovich's" photo in her room. i don't think you know the great Israeli poet Dalia.
so , now you know I'm not a terrorist or racist and i already know that not all Jews are fanatics and Zionists. Jews held the culture of the world on their shoulders for centuries and now Zionists like you are destroying any chance of peace.. and that doesn't mean I'm pro Hamas . they are deceiving 18 years old kiddos by the name of Islam while Israel is doing the same by the name of Judaism..Hamas are killers , and the stupid fanatics in Israel are murderers too .
i think you understand me now.and i think we can talk now without words like " ignorant Arab " or " half mean Jew "
Shalom Adham; Tell me, as a rational thinking person you claim you are, can you please tell me what solution you propose to an entity that gets shelled everyday?
Are they supposed to allow their population to be shelled every day in the name of peace?
Hamas refuses to recognize Israel, they kidnap Israeli soldiers from within Israel, and launch daily rocket attacks against Israel.
Tell me -- what is your rational solution?
Update: Arabs firebomb Border Police vehicle near Maaleh Adumim. No injuries reported. (Arutz Sheva)
Update: Terrorist attempts arson in Lod; throws flares into a resident's yard. (source: rotter)
Correction to previous update about attack in Lod: Arutz Sheva reports that Arab youths threw pipebombs, not flares. No injuries reported.
According to Wiki the SA-7 is easily defeated by flares, etc. Perhaps that's why we see Apache's firing off multiple flares over Gaza. It's also not very successful in downing aircraft, but causes some damage. It would seem it's not such a terrible helo-killer.
"9:55 PM The mother of IDF solider, Nitai Stern who was killed in Gaza by friendly fire (an errant tank shell), says today that she embraces the soldiers that accidentally killed her son. Sarah Stern told President Shimon Peres today when he paid a condolence call to the family: "I want you to find the soliders that accidentally shot the tanks shells at my son, and give them this very clear message -- we embrace them and love, and we hold nothing against them" (ynet)"
Ah, Muqata blogger.....thank you for finding & posting this.....much balm to my heart!
sincerely, with love, & praying,
Ma Sands
Released for publication: Captain Omer Rabinovitch, a"h.
Update: Arabs in Yafo riot. Stones and glass bottles thrown at the Democratic School. Reports of damage but no injuries.
Update: UNSC passes resolution that "stresses the urgency of an immediate, durable and fully respected cease-fire." The security council expressed "grave concern at the escalation of violence and the deterioration of the situation in Gaza and southern Israel."
I hadn't realized that successful progress toward vital strategic objectives defines the word "deterioration." :|
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