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Additional New posts from today can be found below this post.
As a general rule we will try and keep operational details to a minimum, that includes troop movements and the exact location of rocket hits. If items are reported in the Mainstream Israeli Media we will report them as well.
3:35 PM The Muqata crew will be signing off today at approximately 4pm (Israel time) for the Shabbat. Updates will continue Saturday night after the Sabbath departs - as per Jewish law.
Shabbat Shalom and we pray this Shabbat for the safety of our soldiers and for the residents of Israel's south (and now, the north as well).
Jameel & Crew.
The Muqata
Important: Over Shabbat, the following Radio Channels will be operating in "silent" mode, and only broadcast in the event of an emergency (and an air raid siren can be heard on the channel as well). This way, you can tune your radio to the channel without worrying about not hearing the siren, and without needless radio chatter.
The Broadcast starts at 4:00 PM today:
Ofakim, 95.8 FM
Ashdod, 101.5 FM
Ashkelon, 101.5 FM
Beer Sheva, 97 FM,
Pikud HaOref (IDF Homefront) 103.6 FM
Yavneh, 101.5 FM
Netivot, 95.8 FM
Kiryat Gat, 101.5 FM
Kiryat Melachi, 101.5 FM
Rahat, 95.8 FM
Sederot, 104 FM
Gedera, Yad Binyamin, 101.5 FM
Gan Yavneh, 101.5 FM
(source, IDF Homefront Command)
3:30 PM Israeli Arab rioters throwing rocks at Israeli police in Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras El Amud.
2:25 Ouch. Al-Jazeera photographer hurt by rocks (thrown by Palestinians at IDF forces) at Biyalin demonstration today (West Bank). Somehow, I can't imagine that will end up on youtube.
2:11 PM Terror attack in Rechovot: Earlier today, a Palestinian from Jenin attempted to stab 2 people while screaming "Allah hu Akbar" [Allah is great] and "Itbach Al Yahud" [slaughter the Jews]. The 2 were lightly wounded, and the terrorist was captured by Israeli police.
2:07 PM I fully expect that US President elect-Obama start negotiations with Al-Qaida, in light of his views on starting talks with Hamas.
The Guardian reports -
The incoming Obama administration is prepared to abandon George Bush's
doctrine of isolating Hamas by establishing a channel to the Islamist
organisation, sources close to the transition team say.The move to open contacts
with Hamas, which could be initiated through the US intelligence services, would
represent a definitive break with the Bush presidency's ostracising of the
group. The state department has designated Hamas a terrorist organisation, and
in 2006 Congress passed a law banning US financial aid to the group.
2:06 PM IDF announces general closure of West Bank -- Amid fears that Gaza violence might spread to Palestinian areas of the West Bank, the Defense Ministry imposed a general closure on the territories ending at midnight on Saturday. (JPost and Military sources)
2:04 PM Israeli Arabs demonstrate in favor of Hamas terror, protesting IDF operation -- hold marches in Old City of Jerusalem.
2:00 PM News of the hour: Israeli Government Decides; IDF will continue ground offensive in Gaza.
Israeli Lefists to hold demonstration against IDF War on Hamas Terror Saturday night in Rabin's Square, Tel-Aviv. Personally, I think they should change the venue to Sderot, so they can better enjoy the rockets being shot at them by their friends in Gaza.
1:56 PM IDF Spox Israel Navy Video -- attacking Hamas targets in Gaza
1:13 PM Gaza takes a smoking break (photos taken @ 1:10 PM)
1:02 PM Palestinian Mob attacks bus with rocks in village of Chawara - Road 60. (Shechem/Nablus area). No injuries.
12:56 PM Reports of at least one rocket strike in Yavneh area (no wounded reported).
12:51 PM Air Raid Sirens - not a drill! Sirens in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gedera, Yavneh. Gan Yavneh, Kiryat Malachi
12:33 PM Air Raid Sirens Test in Gan Yavneh and Gedera. Additional Air Raid Sirens in Yavneh going off...unsure if it's a test.
12:27 PM A personal blog friend guest writes on the liberal DovBear blog, explaining the Jewish aphorism: "He who is compassionate to the cruel will ultimately be cruel to the compassionate." Excellent post on the moral imperative of the current IDF op in Gaza.
12:08 PM No reports of wounded in Ashdod
12:06 PM Rockets land in Ashdod and Ashkelon - emergency units repsonding.11:58 AM Iranian "AID" Ship on its way to Gaza...already passing through Suez Canal in Egypt.
Iranian Press TVreports:
"An Iranian aid ship, destined for Palestinians, has reportedly entered Egyptian waters and scheduled to dock at the port of Gaza on Saturday.
According to IRIB, the ship, with 2000 tons of "humanitarian aid", passed through the Suez Canal and will head for Gaza "After obtaining needed permissions".
"The Iranian ship carried medicine and foodstuffs including rice, flour, sugar as well as a group of medics and nurses.
The Islamic Republic has also sent several consignments of humanitarian aid to the tiny land via Egypt so far. "
11:55 AM Rockets launched around 11:03 AM at Sderot (sorry, I was out grocery shopping, couldnt update). No reports of injuries.
10:16 AM Warning of imminent rocket launch to Western Negev communities.
10:10 AM No reports of wounded in Beer Sheva or other Negev cities from GRAD rocket attack minutes ago.

10:06 AM A blow to Gaza - Arafat's personal photographer reportedly killed.
Ihab al-Wahidi, who served as late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's photographer, was reportedly killed Thursday night along with his wife and mother in an IDF strike in Gaza.Palestinian sources said that the home where al-Wahidi was staying was hit by a tank shell or an Air force missile.
Al-Wahidi was noted for accompanying Arafat on his trips across the world. The photographer's father served for many years as the Palestine Liberation Organization's envoy to Morocco – al-Wahidi himself was married to a Moroccan national. (YNET)
10:04 AM More rockets on their way to Beer Sheva and Ofakim. Air Raid Sirens going off.
9:53 AM Kadima Party Website hacked. ( - it may now have viruses on it, best to stay away...all the time :-)
Screen snapshot (by me) of hacked Kadima website.

9:53 AM Additional Rocket launches to Westerm Negev community.
9:49 AM Reports of rocket explosions around Beer Sheva. Emergency Units Responding
9:47 AM Air Raid Sirens in Beer Sheva, Netivot.
9:42 AM Need to get some shopping for Shabbat back soon. [Jameel] (havent gone yet...ARG)
9:24 AM Hamas Enemies of Israel -- killed by IDF forces:
High profile Hamas terrorists killed in Operation Cast-Lead.
Mamduah Daloul; Regional Commander Gaza City
Muhammad Sha'er, Rafiah Commander
Iyman Siyam, Rocket Commander
Muhammad Shba'th, Beit Hanoun Rocket Commander
Husan Hamdan, Rocket Commander, Chan Younis
9:15 AM How bad is it in Gaza? Just ask Doctor Doom.
High-profile Norwegian doctor who has said the September 11 terrorists were
justified in their attack is now treating patients in Gaza and is being accused
of presenting "hard-core propaganda" to TV interviewers in his telling of the
conflict between Hamas and Israel.Dr. Mads Gilbert has become an unofficial advocate of the Palestinian cause,
his critics say. International media reports, including those from the BBC, CBS, CNN and FOX’s sister station Sky News, present Gilbert as an ordinary doctor.But a look at his record shows that Gilbert, 61, is a political activist and
member of the Norwegian Maoist "Red" party, and he has been involved in
solidarity work for the Palestinians since the 1970s. He has criticized the
international aid organization Doctors Without Borders for refusing to take
sides in conflicts.Read it all here.
(hat-tip: Lakewood Falling Down Blogger)
9:03 AM The War in Numbers - Day 14 Cast Lead. (source/Hebrew)
13 killed (10, soldiers, 3 civilians)
131 Wounded (44 still in hospitals)
200 in "Shell shock" (psychological trauma)
450 Qassam rockets, GRAD, Katyusha, and mortars from at Israel from Gaza.
776 killed Palestinians
3150 Wounded (200 in serious condition)
4000 Houses destroyed
10 missile bunkers Mosques
12 School partially damaged
125 smuggling tunnels on the Philidephi corridor destroyed
900 Targets destroted
120 Hamas captives
43,000 have left their homes
(hat-tip, Chana, the Curious Jew, based on a photo by Ken Spiro)
9:02 AM Sirens heard in Ashkelon about 20 minutes ago.
8:27 AM 2 Rockets landed minutes ago in the Ashdod area, 2 rockets landed in Ashkelon area. No injured, No wounded.
6:18 AM United Nations Security Council passes resolution calling for cease fire. Israel says it will ignore it (hopefully).
5:05 AM Alert siren goes off in Be'er Sheva by accident.
1:14 AM Over 450 Rockets fired at Israel from Gaza, since start of Cast Lead operation.
OK people, Jameel here -- Im off to bed. See you later.
--Jameel @ The Muqata.
PS: For those of you who never see my blog when its not in wartime, my regular banner looks like this: (click for the full size)
1:04 AM IDF Spox releases more photos from IDF troops operating in Gaza.
12:59 PM IDF photo -- Omer Rabinowitz, killed in action in Gaza yesterday defending Israel.
12:31 AM Nearly missed this gem. Today officially marks the legal end of Abu Mazeen's presidency. According to PA law, Hamas now controls the Presidency of the Palestinian Authority - including within Palestinian Occupied Judea and Samaria (West Bank). Will Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazeen) step down? Will Hamas fight to take control? Who does the (American trained) Palestinian Police now take orders from? Will America demand that PA law be upheld and Hamas legally take over, or will it demand a coup and keep Abu Mazen in power?
According to PA law the presidency now automatically goes to the Speaker, but (Hamas) Speaker Aziz Dweik is currently in jail in Israel, making (Hamas) Gaza-based Deputy Speaker Ahmed Bahar next in line. Abu Mazeen is claiming he can extend his presidency for up to another year (he has been taking lessons from Ehud Olmert).
12:19 AM Mitzpeh Yericho update - Bedouins try to break into home to rob it. One captured.
12:16 AM Suspicion of a infiltration into the Mitzpeh Yericho settlement. Rapid Response team called out.
12:14 AM We want to remind everyone that Warm the Needy is helping poor families in Israel survive the cold winters by providing them with heaters and helping subsidize their electric bills. If you can help Warm the Needy in their mission, that would be wonderful.
12:09 AM Israeli Consulate in Montreal stormed by pro-terrorism supporters.
12:07 AM Army discovers Hamas map in the field detailing sniper and terrorist positions. Details use of civilian infrastructure for terror attacks. IDF uses it it to turn the tables.
12:01 AM It's a new day.
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Warm the Needy - Keeping the poor of Israel warm in the winter
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Siach - Post high school (pluralistic) program in Israel
United Hatzalah - Saving Lives - "First on the Scene"
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Overnight Updates:
* IDF engaged in heavy fighting with terrorist forces north of Beit Lahia.
* IDF Navy shelling coastal targets.
* Israeli Apache helicopter attacked Hamas targets in Rafiach.
* The IAF bombed Islamic Jihad targets in Abasan, west of Khan Yunis.
* The IDF attacked a terrorists in a Hamas police station in northern Gaza.
(source: arbnews)
Update: UN resolution postponed.
Hatzalah Beitar joins with United Hatzalah. (source: rotter)
Update: IAF bombs the house of a senior terrorist in Beit Lahia. Several terrorists killed. (source: arbnews)
Update: Over the past 90 minutes, rockets fell in the vicinity of Beer Sheva, then Ashkelon, then Ashdod. (source: Ha'aretz)
I'm new here and writing from London. I wonder if you could point me in the right direction. There are many people here who say that Israel "threw the first stone" and broke the ceasefire. I'm hoping its not true and I'm looking for a reliable source to show when the rockets started comeing from Hamas and for how long?
Many thanks for your help
A personal blog friend guest writes on the liberal DovBear blog, explaining the Jewish aphorism: "He who is compassionate to the cruel will ultimately be cruel to the compassionate." Excellent post on the moral imperative of the current IDF op in Gaza.
1 - Why call me liberal? What's that for?
2 - Did you notice I let the post on my blog?
3 - Now be a pal and link (on the main page) to where I rip him for being wrong.
Thanks for the updates- much appreciated. I was wondering if I could have your permission to use the picture of the Hamas terrorist and Israeli soldier with the baby carriages for a poster to bring to the rally in NY on Sunday.
S: Of course! Use the graphics for any pro-Israel rally!
(give us credit too :)
DB: Why call me liberal? What's that for?
DB, I didn't realize that you regard "liberal" as a dirty word...
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