On his way into the United States this past Friday, previous IDF Commander-in-Chief and Defense Minister, and current opposition Member of Knesset, Shaul Mofaz waits on line for 50 minutes at NYC Kennedy Airport's border control.
And he had to wait line with everyone else...along with submitting to digital fingerprinting.
He reportedly received negative comments from people passing by about his role in the Expulsion of Jews during the Disengagement 4 years ago and was taunted about what a success the Disengagement has become with the Hamas terror state created as a result.
I'm curious why he had to stand on line with everyone else, and wasn't granted any diplomatic privledges of at least bypassing the line.
You can be sure he flew Business Class.
The photo comes from Yisrael Bardugo.
And he had to wait line with everyone else...along with submitting to digital fingerprinting.
He reportedly received negative comments from people passing by about his role in the Expulsion of Jews during the Disengagement 4 years ago and was taunted about what a success the Disengagement has become with the Hamas terror state created as a result.
I'm curious why he had to stand on line with everyone else, and wasn't granted any diplomatic privledges of at least bypassing the line.
You can be sure he flew Business Class.
The photo comes from Yisrael Bardugo.
Tisha B'Av evening Wednesday, July 29 - join the Women in Green as they March around the Walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. But first the reading of Eichah will take place in front of the US Consulate on Agron Street at 8:00pm.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
next time he does this can you give a heads up so I can go taunt him myself?
Why do you assume he went business? His shirt isn't creased? Maybe it's 50/50? His salary is not really that high, even if you add on the army pension.
I don't think that every Tom Dick and Harry member of parliament in the world gets preferential treatment at Homeland security. Or maybe...the Americans are getting back at the Israelis for reducing Admor check-in priveledges in Israel.
I was on a flight with Rav Metzger and baruch Hashem they made sure not to waste his time in line, though he did go through the same customs booths.
I presume the "baruch Hashem" above is ironic. You can bet that Metzger was was in Business (at least).
Yellow Boy
Why? Anti-Semitism, of course.
Maybe the Foreign Ministry here refused him a diplomatic passport. I am pretty sure that when I was working with Geula Cohen she did get a different passport for official trips from the Knesset office.
Baruch Hashem, Rav Metzger was in business. A rabbi's time is limited and we need him to be in good health as much as possible. Flying business removes some of the harm of flying and means that Rav MEtzger can save time on recovering from the long flight.
Mofaz on the other hand, should use the extra time from recovering from jet lag and the flight by doing some soul searching.
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